WELCOME Mr.Lee Social Studies: US History Room ext. 367
I am here to teach. You are here to learn. Anything that interferes with that process is against the rules.
Goals and Expectations General guidelines You are to be in your seat and ready to work when the final bell rings. You are to come prepared for class… books, paper, and pencils. You are responsible to maintain an organized notebook. The discipline policy will be followed. You will remain working until dismissed and will not stand at the door at the end of the class. You are responsible for keeping your work area clean. My desk and cabinets are personal property and are to be left alone. You are to leave other students’ property alone. You are expected to conduct yourself in a manner conducive to learning. Only water in clear bottles is permitted. No juice or sodas. No gum or candy is allowed. Textbooks are to be covered at all times. Lost books will cost you the full replacement value.
Student behavior –Students are expected to show RESPECT for others and themselves. –All students are expected to participate fully in all activities. –Come to class with a POSITIVE attitude and an OPEN MIND to learn. –Be POLITE and good-mannered at all times and to all people. –All students are expected to give 100%.
Make-up work If you know you are going to be absent, it is your responsibility to get the assignment ahead of time. Failure to do so will result in a zero on the assignment. You can get the assignments by referring to the board, asking me, or your classmates. If you are ill, you have the same number of days to make up the work as you are absent. You will have to make up the work on your own time, however, and will not be excused from class work. It is your responsibility to get any assignments or handouts. If you are absent on a test day, you will be required to take the test within one week by appointment before or after school.
Classroom materials Three ring binder Chapter / unit dividers Paper Blue or Black ink pens Sharp pencils Bring the Text book for every class period
Incomplete work If you fail to complete an assignment for no legitimate reason you will get a zero grade. You will not be allowed make up time. Be responsible to do your work.
Homework DO IT!
Grades Your grade will be based on the percentage of points that you earn out of the total possible points available from tests, quizzes, worksheets, notebook, and projects. A total point system shall be used. It is advised that students keep a record of points for their own reference. At the end of the grading period, the students’ points shall be calculated with the total amount of points available and a percentage formulated: A = 92 – 100 D = 70 – 74 B = 84 – 91 F = 69 – below C = 75 – 83
Projects Projects are due by 2.30 p.m. on the due date. Projects will include a cover sheet, but no plastic covers. Each student is responsible for his or her own work. Cheating will not be tolerated. You and the person you copied will get zero points.
Room movement Aides are here to see me, not you! Passes are to be kept to a minimum. Only ask if you have your agenda and ID ready, and ask at a suitable break in class. Requests my be denied, be ready. Enter and exit quietly. Abuse the privilege, you will loose it.