W ELCOME TO C URRICULUM N IGHT ! Laurie Williams Fourth Grade Thank you for coming! While you are waiting, write a note of encouragement to your student, and you may sign up for a conference.
I AM GLAD YOU ARE HERE TONIGHT ! W E WILL … Discuss the 4 th grade AIG Curriculum, Introduce Mobile Learning Communities/BYOD, Touch base on Homework, Grading, and my expectations for your student, Discuss any general questions.
M ATH IN THE F OURTH G RADE AIG C LASSROOM Operations and Algebraic Thinking Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems using variety of methods/models Extend to decimals and fractions Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Generalize place value understanding for multi- digit whole numbers Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit calculations Extend to decimals and fractions
M ATH IN THE F OURTH G RADE AIG C LASSROOM o Number and Operations—Fractions Develop understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. Compose and decompose fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers. Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal notations of fractions. Extend to develop fluency with operations with fractions and decimal notations of fractions.
M ATH IN THE F OURTH G RADE AIG C LASSROOM Measurement and Data Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit. Represent and interpret data. Geometric measurement: understand measurement of angles. Extend area and perimeter concepts to include volume in appropriate customary, metric, and non-standard units.
M ATH IN THE F OURTH G RADE AIG C LASSROOM o Geometry Draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles. Extend to apply understandings of complimentary and supplementary to solve problems with 2- dimensional shapes.
R EADING IN THE F OURTH G RADE AIG C LASSROOM Finding evidence of specific details about characters, setting, and events Finding evidence to compare and contrast viewpoints, plots, themes, and topics across texts Finding evidence of the main idea and supporting details Making inferences Summarizing Comparing literature from different cultures Discussing literature and informational texts as a critical consumer Variety of genres: Understanding features
R EADING D AILY R OUTINES Whole Group Lesson Reading Groups Literature Circles Reading Strategy: Thinking While Reading or you may hear it called “Close Reading”. al-leadership/dec12/vol70/num04/Closing- in-on-Close-Reading.aspx
M AJOR W ORK OF W RITING Write imaginative narratives using descriptive and figurative language to show character’s thoughts and feelings. Write for a specific audience. Persuasive and opinion writing using evidence. Use research skills to gather information about non-fiction topics.
S CIENCE First Quarter Ecosystems: Understanding the effects of environmental changes, adaptations and behaviors that enable animals (including humans) to survive in changing habitats. Molecular Biology: Understanding food and the benefits of vitamins, minerals and exercise. Second Quarter Earth in Universe: Explain the causes of day and night and phases of the moon. Earth in History: Understand the use of fossils and changes in the surface of the earth as evidence of the history of Earth and its changing life forms.
S CIENCE Third Quarter Matter, Properties: Understand the composition and properties of matter before and after they undergo a change or interaction. Fourth Quarter Forces in Motion: Explain how various forces affect the motion of an object. Energy Conservation: Recognize that energy takes various forms that may be grouped based on their interaction with matter. If anyone works in a related field or has expertise in any of these areas, we would welcome you, or someone you know, as a special guest.
S OCIAL S TUDIES T OPICS Unit 1: Exploration and Colonization: Unit 2: Migration and Settlement Patterns Unit 3: Constitution and Government Unit 4: State Growth- Then and Now Unit 5: State Economic Development Unit 6: State Symbols and Notable Structures Unit 7: Personal Financial Literacy If anyone works in a related field or has expertise in any of these areas, we would welcome you, or someone you know, as a special guest.
T ECHNOLOGY We are an MLC-BYOD Classroom Do you have an internet capable device? If so, log on the the WSFCS Secure Server Password: WSFCS User Name: Guest 1. Go to MES Wepage 2. Choose Faculty/Staff Webpages 3. Select Ours 4. Go to Useful Links & click on the 1 st one: Kahoot.it……and follow the directions.
H OMEWORK – S EE THE L INK ON OUR WEBPAGE Homework will follow the same pattern each 2-week period: Read for 25 minutes each night and complete the response pieces. A math practice sheet or page in the workbook. Wordly Wise- Lesson completed over a two week period. Test every other Friday. Spelling –Wordly Wise words with focus on Greek/Latin roots and affixes. Test every other Friday. Projects, occasionally, designed to apply concepts and enrich/extend learning.
WSFCS G RADING S CALE =A - Excellent progress (Working independently, mastering content at a high level) 89-80=B - Good progress (Working independently, above average content mastery) 79-70=C - Satisfactory progress (Adequate/expected progress of grade level content) 69-60=D - Slow progress (Below grade level and/or difficulty working independently) 59 or below=F - Not meeting grade-level expectations (Unable to work independently) Classwork 30% Tests 25% Quizzes 25% Participation 10% Projects 10%
F REQUENTLY A SKED A BOUT : Testing: Reading and Math quarter tests. EOG in May. Field trips to Raleigh(10-28), Hiddenite(4-29), WFU-Museum of Man(9-14), Animal Rehabilitation (10-23). Stay informed with webpage news! The best way to contact me is through .
Thank you for coming tonight!