The Ohio Achievement Assessment is coming! Tuesday, April 23 rd Reading Wednesday, April 24 th Math Thursday, April 25 th Science Testing time Students will have 2 ½ hours to complete the test. 9:00am to 11:30am Grades 3-5Grade 5
What is tested in math?
What is tested in reading?
Why does my child take achievement tests? The Reading, Math and Science Achievement Tests help ensure that all students have learned the level of reading, math and science(5 th grade only) expected of Ohio students at the end of the school year.
When will we receive our child’s scores? This date varies. The school will distribute the scores to parents as soon as we receive them. Scores generally arrive during the summer months.
What do the scores of the test mean?
What happens if my child does not pass the Achievement Tests? Your child’s teacher may be able to recommend additional ways your child can improve his or her achievement. The school will provide intervention opportunities for students as. Summer school will be available please inquire today You family score report includes suggested activities to help your child practice specific Our goal is to help your child do his/her best on the test!
If my child fails the test, will she/he be retained? These test results are one of the factors, but not the sole factor, that teachers use to evaluate a child’s readiness to move to the next grade. Classroom teachers determine whether your child should move to the next grade by considering his or her class work and school attendance. If your child does not score in the proficient or above levels, this is a sign that he or she is having trouble learning the skills and knowledge expected in the next grade level and may need additional help.
What happens if my child misses the day of the test? The test will be made up. All Ohio students are tested. We highly recommend that all students come the day of the test unless he or she is absolutely sick. We also recommend that no appointments be made for your child on testing day.
What happens if my child gets sick during the test? If your child gets sick during the test and cannot finish, the test will be collected and scored as is. The child will not have the opportunity to finish the test later as per State procedures.
What can parents do to help their children prepare for the test and feel more comfortable and relaxed on testing day?
Make sure that your child has plenty of rest the night before. Make sure your child is at school on time to take the tests. Students who are late cannot take the test that day-they will have to wait until the make-up day. Make sure that your child eats a breakfast high in protein, not sugar. Avoid arguments or other stressful conflicts the morning of the test. If your child wears glasses, be sure to send the glasses to school with your child the day of the test Build up your child's confidence. Reassure your child before coming to school that they will do great! Make sure you encourage your child to do his/her best. Encourage your child to TAKE THEIR TIME, work carefully, and proofread!
Remind your child to read each question twice, then double check the entire test when finished! Listen as they share how easy or hard it was. If your child did not pass the test the first time, assure him/her that you believe that he/she will do it this time around. Give your child a “good luck charm” or special memento. Write your child a special note, seal it, and the teacher will give it to your child the day of the test. When your child passes the test, be sure to celebrate! This is a great accomplishment by your child!
How is the school accountable? The State Department of Education expects a minimum of 75% passage rate. We receive data on each student that takes the test. This data helps us with future goals and instructional plans.
Where can I find more information about the OAA? You can ask your child’s teacher, contact the school, or visit the Ohio Department of Education website at