DemoSat IV: Metro Triple Threat Metropolitan State College of Denver Matt Hanley David Fifield Jason Igo Evan I Spitler Devlin Thyne Matt Hanley David Fifield Jason Igo Evan I Spitler Devlin Thyne August 10, 2006
2 Mission Statement & Goals: Our mission is a combination of FieldSat and SolarSat FieldSat To record on-board orientation and vibration during flight SolarSat To deploy a solar panel and measure the efficiency before and after impact
3 Design: Final Package Final Package Total mass 1600g Total mass 1600g Total Budget $ Total Budget $ Date: February First Meeting Date: June 1, 2006 Electronics Running Date: Ordering of Part Date: Design Phase Date: February 2006 Established Team Date: July 29, 2006 Launching Date: July 14, 2006 Testing Date: July 10, 2006 Housing/electronics Date: April 21, 2006 CDR
4 FieldSat Contains an inertial measurement unit -- gyroscopes and accelerometers. Microcontroller samples sensors at 100 Hz. Data are serialized and written to two memory cards. Analysis is done by a PC on the ground. Design:
5 Design: SolarSat Contains an two solar panels, servo, and light sensor. Solar panels will deploy 40 minutes in flight stay deployed for entire duration. Sensors sample at 100 Hz. Data are serialized and written to two memory cards. Analysis is done with FieldSat on the ground.
6 Design: VideoSat The design and concept were sound; failure occurred in the hardware Technical support from the vendor and manufacturer was insufficient to bring us to a operational status Considering approaching deadlines, the Video portion was dropped
7 Design: SolarSat FieldSat Jason Igo Structural, Mechanical Systems Devlin Thyne Electrical Systems David Fifield Computer Systems Evan Spitler Mechanical, Structural Systems Matt Hanley Team Captain, Mechanical, Structural Systems Professor Keith Norwood Faculty Advisor Five Students + One Faculty Manpower Reduced by 2 after CDR
8 Results: Housing Solar panel fell off on impact Retrieved data from one of the two SD cards Solar panels still work Heaters still function Could go on another flight with minor repairs.
9 Results: Solar Received data for 1:54:29 Solar Panels did deploy Solar panels we believed locked in place Received voltage data
10 Results: Field Received data for 1:54:29 of the actual flight Received Acceleration and angular rotation reading through most of the flight Had an Accelerometer problem during flight Created visualization of rotation from are data
11 Results: LaunchSolar Deployment
12 Benefits to NASA: FieldSat To develop and integrate new attitude and orientation designs incorporating post-flight visualization SolarSat To test the efficiency of the deployed solar panels Assess damage to deployed solar panels after impact
13 Lessons Learned: How to work as a team Need better securing of piece of satellite Redundancy is a good thing That things that seem easy can end up hard Good customer service goes a long way
DemoSat IV: Questions? Metropolitan State College of Denver For more information