Solar Tracer 太陽能追蹤器 Team members: 易嘉琪 Angela Yi 王劭恩 Shao-En, Wang 黃敬綱 Ching-Kang, Huang
Contents Why do we want to invent it? How does it work? What does it look like? How can we use it? Future expectations
Why do we want to invent this? To achieve maximum power generation efficiency of solar power Let the solar tracer adjust the height and angle by itself
How does it work? Sensors induce where the sun is → the product adjusts the height and angle all by itself.
What does it look like?
Sensors on the invention
The servers on this product
How can we use it? Install it on solar panels Use it with four servo motors and four adjustable tripods
Features of this invention Smaller than other products Traces the sun more accurately
Future Expectations Use solar energy to let this invention work. Make this product into a DIY part
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