1 What is a gastroenterologist? Where is digestion completed and absorption occurs? What three things occur during absorption? Gastroenteritis What is it? Cause: Symptoms: Complications: What happens to water in the large intestine? Which vitamins are made in the large intestine? Feces What is it? Define defecation What role does E.Coli play in the large intestine? Diarrhea Describe what diarrhea is. What causes diarrhea? Why do you worry about electrolyte imbalances with diarrhea?
2 Constipation Define constipation Why does the feces become dry and hard? What are the causes of constipation? What is the treatment for constipation? Hemorrhoids or Piles What are hemorrhoids? What causes them? What is the treatment for hemorrhoids? Flatulence How much gas do we produce each day? How many time does it pass through the rectum a day? What causes the gas to be formed? Colitis (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Define colitis What are the possible causes? Symptoms: Treatments for colitis: Diverticulosis What is diverticulosis? Who usually gets this disease? What is diverticulitis Symptoms:
3 Appendicitis What is appendicitis? What can happen if the appendix ruptures? Symptoms: Treatment: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) How does it affects deaths in the USA? Who usually gets colon cancer? What are the risk factors for this disease? Symptoms: When should someone get a colonoscopy? Where does the doctor put the colonscope? What can you do with a colonoscopy to aid with diagnosing your patient? What is a hemoccult slide? What affect do annual hemoccult tests have on CRC? What is the procedure for doing a hemoccult test? What is the treatment for colon cancer? What is a colostomy? How is waste collected with a colostomy?
4 Cirrhosis What organ is affected? What happens to the tissue? Symptoms: Causes: How many cases are caused by excessive alcohol consumption? Treatment: What is ascites? What is the treatment for acities? Define jaundice: Where is the best place to assess for jaundice? What is jaundice a symptom of? Hepatitis A What is Hepatitis A known as? Cause: How is it spread? Who usually gets it? Symptoms: Treatment: How can you protect yourself and others? Hepatitis B Why is Hepatitis B called Serum Hepatitis? How is it transmitted?
5 Hepatitis B (continued) How does Hepatitis B affect the liver? How does the body try to relieve the increased pressure from portal hypertension? What special precautions should health care workers take related to Hepatitis B? What should be used to help prevent the spread of Hepatitis B? Cholelithiasis Define this word: What are gallstones? What makes gallstones dangerous to the body? What is a cholecystectomy? What is cholecystitis and when do you see it a lot? Name 2 risk factors for developing gallstones: What is the most common method used to perform a cholecystectomy> Describe this surgical procedure. Why do patients heal faster when this procedure is used? Ulcers What is an ulcer? How many people in the US will suffer from an ulcer? What is the difference between a gastric ulcer and a duodenal ulcer? What causes ulcers and how do they cause them? What lifestyle factors contribute to ulcers? Symptoms: How do you diagnose ulcers? How do you treat them and what happens if they are not treated?
6 Pancreas Review Where is it located? What type of gland is the pancreas? Which are the most important digestive juices? What does the pancreas juice contain that neutralizes the hydrochloric acid of the pancreas? Pancreatitis What is it? What causes Acute Pancreatitis? What happens when the pancreatic juices back up? What are two other causes of this disease? How many cases are fatal? Pyloric Stenosis How long does it take for stomach contents to move through the pyloric sphincter? What is Pyloric Stenosis? Is it more common in men or girls? Symptoms: Treatment: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) What causes it? What irritates the esophagus? What is another name for this disease? Symptoms:
7 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) - continued List 4 dietary habits that improve GERD List 7 lifestyle habits that improve GERD What are two additional treatments for GERD? 1. 2 Hiatal Hernia What is it? Who is it most common in? What is a symptom of a hiatal hernia?