Separation of Powers
Legislative Branch= Congress Congress is a Bicameral Legislature: 2 Houses
Make-up of Congress
John Boehner Speaker of the House Mitch McConnell Senate Majority Leader
House of RepresentativesSenate
Determining Representation Census - Every 10 years - Determines population of each state - Changes amount of representatives each state gets in House of Representatives
Legislative Branch: Powers - Declare War - Levy (Create & Collect) Taxes - Coin Money - Borrow Money - Regulate Interstate trade (trade between states) - Copyrights/Patents - Post Office - Regulate Foreign Trade -Approve Foreign Treaties - Approve Justices (Senate) - Amend Constitution (one of the ways) - Impeachment Main Purpose: CREATE LAWS- Legislate
Impeachment Process Impeach: a formal accusation of wrongdoing by a public official The House of Reps. brings charges against the official. The Senate acts as the jury. In order to convict, 2/3 vote needed by members of the Senate
How a Bill Becomes a Law Idea for New Law Committee Action Senate: Floor Action H.O.R.: Floor Action President: Sign Or Veto LAW Back to Congress: 2/3 majority of both Houses to override Veto
Congressional Dysfunction