SIZE AND TERMS The exact size of the House today is 435 Not fixed by the Constitution, but decided by Congress The Constitution only says the number of representatives has to be related to the populations of the states
SIZE AND TERMS Each state is guaranteed at least 1 representative in the House Including territories Guam, Virgin Islands, D.C., and American Samoa Non-voting members Chosen every second year Article I, Section 2
SIZE AND TERMS There is no limit to the number of terms a person can serve in the House Attempts in 1990s to create limits, but failed Congressmen did not want to vote themselves away from their jobs
REAPPORTIONMENT Article I directs Congress to redistribute the seats after each census (10 years) To keep the representation of each state appropriate to the number of people in each state Reapportionment Act of 1929
CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS Who: Any registered voter Date: The Tuesday following the first Monday in November every even- numbered year
DISTRICTS States, based on their population, draws boundaries for each Congressional district Each district has around the same number of constituents Averaged 500,000 per district
GERRYMANDERING When Congress/States would create new district lines, they would often draw them to their advantage Spread opposition too thinly Concentrate opposition to a few small districts
QUALIFICATIONS FOR HOUSE At least 25 years old Citizen for at least 7 years Must be an inhabitant of the state running in