A RTICLE O NE : L EGISLATIVE B RANCH. -House of Representatives. -Qualifications. -Age; must be at least 25 years old. -Residency; must live in the state you are chosen to represent. -Citizenship; must be a United States citizen for at least 7 years.
H OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. -Elections: held every two years. -Responsibilities: -Impose and collect taxes and duties. -Borrow money -Regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states -Coin money -Establish post office -Declare war -Raise and support an army or a navy.
A RTICLE I: S ENATE -Qualifications -Age; must be at least 30 years old. -Residency: must live in the state you are chosen to represent. -Citizenship; must be a United States citizen for at least 9 years.
S ENATE -Elections; held every six years. -Two Senators from each state -Responsibilities; -Choose their officers -Have sole power to try all impeachments -When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside.
A RTICLE II: E XECUTIVE B RANCH -Consists of the President and Vice- President -Qualifications -Age; must live in the United States for at least 14 years -Citizenship; must be a natural born citizenship
P RESIDENT -Elections; every four years -Responsibilities -Carry out and enforce laws made by Congress. -Make treaties with other nations -Appoint certain government officials -Act as commander-in-chief of the armed forces -Veto laws passed by Congress