By: Kaeli, Matt, and Blaise Roald Dahl By: Kaeli, Matt, and Blaise
Roald Dahl A famous children's book writer Born on September 13, 1916 in Llandaff, Wales He married Patrica Neil Got divorced and then married Feilicity Ann Crossland Didn’t attend college Roald Dahl
He had five children named Olivia, Tessa, Theo, Ophelia and Lucy. Olivia died at the age of seven because of the measles. Children
Illustator Quentin Blake illustrated almost every book he wrote. He and Roald Dahl worked together from 1975 to when Roald died in 1990. Illustator
Books written a lot of books one of his most popular is Charlie and the chocolate factory which was made into a major motion picture.
In 1954 he won the Edgar Allen Poe award and Mystery Writers of America award. In 1959 he Won his second Edgar Allan Poe Award and second Mystery Writers of America Award. In 1983 he Won New York Times Outstanding Book Award, Federation of Children's Book Groups Award, and Whitbread Award. awards
Books to Movies and Play's James And The Giant Peach Charlie and the Chocolate Factory The Witches Matilda Danny The Champion of the World The BFG Fantastic Mr. Fox Books to Movies and Play's
Roald Dahl Day Unfortunately Roald Dahl died November 23, 1990. Now we celebrate Roald Dahl day on Roald Dahl’s birthday September 13
Roald Dahl Day September 13