History Health in the Past Our trip to the Florence Nightingale Museum on Thursday 28 th November will support the children’s learning about how healthcare and medicines have changed over time. History Health in the Past Our trip to the Florence Nightingale Museum on Thursday 28 th November will support the children’s learning about how healthcare and medicines have changed over time. Science Health and Growth The children will learn about the importance of healthy eating, physical exercise and personal hygiene. They will find out about how people and animals grow. They will consider how medicine can help us. Science Health and Growth The children will learn about the importance of healthy eating, physical exercise and personal hygiene. They will find out about how people and animals grow. They will consider how medicine can help us. PE Class 2 will be working with Qualified Sports Coach Elliot Favell on a range of fitness and ball skills. Please ensure your child brings the correct and named PE kit every Monday morning for the week ahead. PE will take place on Tuesdays, but they may sometimes require their kit on other days PE Class 2 will be working with Qualified Sports Coach Elliot Favell on a range of fitness and ball skills. Please ensure your child brings the correct and named PE kit every Monday morning for the week ahead. PE will take place on Tuesdays, but they may sometimes require their kit on other days Art/DT In Art the children will explore the work of professional sculptors and have the opportunity to make their own sculptures. For DT week they will continue to develop their sewing skills. Art/DT In Art the children will explore the work of professional sculptors and have the opportunity to make their own sculptures. For DT week they will continue to develop their sewing skills. RE Jesus’s life as a Child Light at Christmas In RE, the children will learn about Jesus’s life as a child. They will look at relevant Biblical materials. As Christmas draws nearer, they will consider the importance of the symbol of light. RE Jesus’s life as a Child Light at Christmas In RE, the children will learn about Jesus’s life as a child. They will look at relevant Biblical materials. As Christmas draws nearer, they will consider the importance of the symbol of light. Numeracy The children will be learning to tell the time on analogue and digital clocks this half term. Discussions about time at home would be very beneficial. There will also be opportunities for the children to look at open ended investigations. They will continue to develop their number and calculation skills. Numeracy The children will be learning to tell the time on analogue and digital clocks this half term. Discussions about time at home would be very beneficial. There will also be opportunities for the children to look at open ended investigations. They will continue to develop their number and calculation skills. PHSE Getting on and Falling out In this topic the children will consider what makes a good friend. We will discuss what can be done to help build strong friendships. Dealing with different points of view will be part of our learning. PHSE Getting on and Falling out In this topic the children will consider what makes a good friend. We will discuss what can be done to help build strong friendships. Dealing with different points of view will be part of our learning. Music- This half term the children will find explore rhythm and pulse in songs. They will also learn and perform songs for the Christmas service at the Cathedral. ICT- We are detectives In this topic the children will explore how to use ICT to find out information. Music- This half term the children will find explore rhythm and pulse in songs. They will also learn and perform songs for the Christmas service at the Cathedral. ICT- We are detectives In this topic the children will explore how to use ICT to find out information. Literacy Roald Dahl’s classic story The Twits will be our focus this half term in Literacy. We will learn about using connectives and adjectives in our writing. We will have a weekly guided reading session, and will continue to work on phonics and joining our handwriting. The children will have a weekly spelling test of words from the national phonics programme Letters and Sounds. Literacy Roald Dahl’s classic story The Twits will be our focus this half term in Literacy. We will learn about using connectives and adjectives in our writing. We will have a weekly guided reading session, and will continue to work on phonics and joining our handwriting. The children will have a weekly spelling test of words from the national phonics programme Letters and Sounds. Cathedral Primary School Autumn Year 2