A Lesson in Irony We have discussed how literature is a way for writers to share a message with the reader. The short stories we are reading by Roald Dahl ,in our author study contains irony. Irony is just one of the writing tools an artist uses to sharpen his or her point. Roald Dahl uses irony in “The Landlady” and “Lamb to the Slaughter”
Where’s the irony in the song? What examples of irony did you find in the song “Ironic”? Did you find any examples of verbal irony? NO Did you find any examples of dramatic irony? NO What is the mood of the song? Did you find examples of situational irony? or was it a coincidence? Or just bad luck?
Dramatic Irony
Situational Irony A few examples: A firefighter’s house burns down Stories with a surprise ending i.e the homicide detective ends up being the murderer.
Verbal Irony
A few questions for discussion… What are some of the cultural functions and/or purposes of literature and music? What are the possible intentions of artists when they create popular (or not so popular) music for an audience ?