Density 5 th Grade
What is density? Density is a comparison of how much matter there is in a certain amount of space.
Comparing Density The __________ is _________ than the _____________. Key phrases: more dense less dense about the same density/equally as dense the least dense the most dense
Comparing Density…let’s practice The __________ is more dense than the _____________.
Comparing Density…let’s practice The __________ is less dense than the _____________.
Comparing Density…let’s practice The __________ is the least dense liquid.
Comparing Density…let’s practice The __________ is the most dense liquid.
Comparing Density…let’s practice The __________ has about the same density as _____________.
Guiding Question: How does the arrangement of particles affect an object’s density? An object or liquid whose particles are closely packed has a greater density. These objects will sink below objects with lesser density. An object or liquid whose particles are farther apart has a lesser density. These objects will float on top of objects with greater density.
Density in Real Life The Dead Sea is a also called the Salt Sea, is a salt lake bordering Jordan to the east, and Israel to the west. salt lakeJordanIsrael
Density in Real Life It is also one of the world's saltiest bodies of water, with 33.7% salinity.bodies of watersalinity It is 8.6 times more salty than the ocean. This salinity makes for a harsh environment where animals cannot flourish, hence its name. Click here to see what it’s like to “swim” in the “Dead Sea.” Click here to see what it’s like to “swim” in the “Dead Sea.”
Which one is more dense? ABAB
Now which one is more dense? A B
Density Lab - Review Objects that are more dense sink. Objects that are less dense, float. More dense Less dense
Density Lab Objective #1: Determine the relationship between the densities of 4 different liquids. Objective #2: Determine the relationship between several objects and the liquids that they are placed in.
Density Lab – Part 1 Add the four liquids to your cup in any order you choose. Pour each of them down the side of the cup slowly. Draw your cup and label the liquids in your science notebook. In each layer, draw what the molecules look like based on their density.
Density Lab – Part 1 Write at least three observations about the densities of the liquids. The _________ is more dense than the _________. The _________ is less dense than the __________. The _________ is the densest liquid. The _________ is the least dense liquid. Challenge: The water is less dense than the _________ but more dense than the _______.
Density Lab – Part 1 Share your statements with someone who is not at your table. Remember to use your Partner and Learn Protocol do discuss your work. Provide each other with written and verbal feedback.
Density Lab – Part 2 Gently add the solid objects to your cup. Draw your observations in your journal. Write four observations about the densities of the solid objects compared to the liquids. The _________ is more dense than the _________. The _________ is less dense than the __________. The _________ is the densest object. The _________ is the least dense object.
Density Lab – Part 2 Turn and Talk to your shoulder partner and choose one statement to share. Share – Attentively listen so you can help share new results. Be sure to command the room before you share. “Agree or Disagree?”
Practice writing Density Statements… Two sentences comparing at least two different objects. Two sentences comparing an object with a liquid.
In your science notebook… Answer the question below using complete sentences and punctuation marks. Make your answer so clear that you cannot possibly be misunderstood! Why is it easier to float in the ocean (or in the Dead Sea) than it is to float in a lake?