Liquids 10.2
Liquids Fun Fact - Least common type of matter! Definite volume; no definite shape How do you think the particles behave? Fluid – substance that can flow and take the shape of it’s container
Properties Relatively high density – most substances are more dense as a liquid than a gas – slightly less dense in liquid state than as in a solid Relative incompressible Ability to diffuse – slower than in gases, but the higher the temp, the faster the diffusion
Properties Surface Tension – a force that tends to pull adjacent parts of a liquid’s surface together, thus decreasing the surface area to the smallest possible size. The ___________ the attractive force, the higher the surface tension. Water – surface tension is or ?
Properties Capillary action – the attraction of the surface of a liquid to the surface of a solid. Water in a tube continues to rise until attractive forces of particles to the wall are balanced by weight of liquid Where do you see this in lab?
Properties Vaporization –a liquid or solid changes to the gas phase. Ex:perfume Evaporation–particles escape from the surface of a non boiling liquid and enter the gas state Ex: sweat Liquid particles have diff. kinetic E’s ; the higher ones can escape liquid surface and enter gas phase
Properties Formation of Solids How does a liquid form a solid? It Freezes – the physical change of a liquid to a solid by removal of energy as heat is called freezing or solidification.