CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Project Brown Trout In-Line Headphone Amplifier Team Casey Hughes Jeff Sharp Jim Bosak Advisor Dr. Inan, Dr. Albright Industry Representative Mr. Howard Voorheis, John Fluke Mfg. (ret)
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Overview Block Diagram (Refresher) Schematic Milestones Accomplishments Plans Issues/Concerns
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Brown Trout
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Brown Trout
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Bode Plots
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Matlab Plots
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones Table 2. Key Brown Trout milestones. NumberDescriptionOriginal 11/25/03 Previous 1/27/04 Present 2/24/04 1Product Pre-Approval9/05/03 2Functional Spec 1.010/3/03 10/6/03 2Plan Approval11/7/03 11/23/03 11/7/03 3Hand Design 11/23/03 11/25/03 11/23/03 4Software Simulation 11/25/03 11/25/04 5Design Release12/5/03 1/19/04 12/5/03 6Obtain Parts 1/29/04 2/1/04 7Test Parts1/22/04 1/26/04 1/30/04 2/3/04 8Battery Interface 2/5/04 2/10/04 9Cable Connector Interface 1/28/04 2/5/042/10/04 10Amplifier Layout Complete 2/06/04 2/25/04 11TOP’s Approval2/13/04 2/19/04 12Amplifier Tested/Debugged 3/15/04 13Device Housing 2/13/04 2/23/04 3/7/04 3/15/04 14Prototype Completion 3/23/04 15Prototype Tested/Debugged4/9/04 3/29/04 4/9/04 16Demo Design 3/29/04 17Prototype Release4/09/04 18Founder’s Day4/13/04 19Final Report4/23/04 20Post Mortem4/30/04
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Accomplishments Parts Received / Tested for Functionality Theory of Operations Approved Initial Amplifier Layout Complete –Passing high quality sound –Problem in final stage (high pass)
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Plans For March Fully Functional Amplifier Device Housing Completed Full Prototype Built –All parts brought together Demonstration Designed
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Issues / Concerns High-Pass Stage Clipping (next slide) –Half-amplification Passing Original Signal –Leave device plugged, but powered off –Researching switch types to compensate
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering High-pass Issue
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Conclusion Block Diagram Schematic Milestones Accomplishments Plans Issues/Concerns
CS-EE 480 Fall University of Portland School of Engineering Questions?