ME 102A Spring 2010 April 21, 2010 Jennifer Lew Stephen Tu
Fans provide essential cooling to a computer The fan’s rotational speed is directly related to its cooling capacity Without properly calibrated fan, CPU would almost instantly melt CPU: Fan Grid:
Idea: Use fan blades as an Optical Encoder By measuring the number of pulses in a fixed period of time, can determine speed of blades Rotary: Fan:
1. Fan Voltage Supplied Current Supplied Impellers 2. Sensors Infrared LED Phototransistor Circuit: Resistors, Voltage Supplied 3. LabVIEW VI Input number of impellers Implements GenerateCalibrationCurve() Displays RPM, voltage supplied to fan 4. Error Analysis Sensor is noisy, so must take many samples and consider confidence intervals Procedure for calibrating fan IR LED: Phototransistor:
Issues Current limit on power supply – data at higher voltage values not truly reflective of fan characteristics ▪ Will resolve by using analog lab equipment that does not impose as stringent current limits. ▪ However, this makes the UI less robust, due to less automation Scheduling Basic prototype implemented last week, but ran into the current issue above 4/26/2010: Have prototype finished, current issued resolved 4/30/2010: Have prototype tested for robustness, finish error analysis 5/3/2010: Present prototype to customers 5/7/2010: Turn in final report and give final presentation