Agile/XP Overview Object Mentor, Inc. Copyright by Object Mentor, Inc All Rights Reserved
2 How do you manage a software project? Badly? Hope and prayer? With Great Difficulty Dictate and Motivate?`
3 Mismanagement of a project leads to: Producing the wrong product. Producing a product of inferior quality. Being late. Working 80 hour weeks.
4 The inevitable trade-off. Good (Quality) Fast (Time to Market) Cheap (Cost Effectiveness) Done Pick any three…
5 Finding the optimum solution. We need to manage the project to the best possible outcome. An outcome that maximizes all four qualities. To do this, we need: Data.
6 Wouldn’t this be great?
7 …and this…
8 If we had these two charts on the wall… Then managers could just look at them to see The status of the project.
9 What is the first thing known about a project? The Management Paradox
10 ! ! ! !
11 The Delivery Date is Frozen
12 The Spec V1 The Spec V2 The Spec V3 The Spec V3 The Spec VN.1 The Spec VN.2 The Spec is Never Frozen
13 Analysis Design Implementation DFDERDDDST 1 May1 Nov1 Jul1 Sep The Waterfall Model Managing the Development of Large Software Systems Dr. Winston W. Royce — 1970
14 Royce’s actual diagram.
15 Royce’s Observation
16 Royce’s Conclusion
17 How did W/F get to be the norm? A Everybody copied the good ol’ DoD.
18 Requirements and Failure Jarzombek Study. Failure attributed to use of waterfall.
19 Over specification.
20 Code Waste In a study of 400 waterfall projects: Only 5% - 15% of the code was ever used.
21 Long Projects Fail.
22 Analysis Design Implementation DFDERDDDST 1 May1 Nov1 Jul1 Sep Let’s go to a meeting.
23 Iterative Development. UI Comms Control Some UI, Comms, and Control for some behavior Data is generated and used to calibrate the plan
24 Calculate the Date. The Calculated Date.... []
25 More data shrinks the error bars. The Calculated Date.... []
26 Without data, all you can manage is: ! ! !
27 Without data managers can: This project will be done on time! Or HEADS will ROLL!
28 OR…. You guys are great. I have faith in you. I know you can do it! I sure hope you can
29 But when we have data… Managers can…. manage.
30 The control knobs of project mgt. Schedule Quality Staff Scope
Metaphor Collective Ownership Coding Standard Sustainable Pace Continuous Integration Whole Team Planning Game Small Releases Customer Tests Simple Design Pair Programming Test-Driven Development Design Improvement XP Practices
32 Contact Information Robert C. Martin Website: FitNesse: