Health and Wellness Jeopardy Amanda Rockwell 9th Grade Health and Wellness Jeopardy
Nutrition Basics Review Jeopardy Diseases Quality of Life Facts Nutrition Basics Review 300 200 100 50 END
The eating disorder of refusal to eat. Diseases 300
What is Anorexia Nervosa? Back to game
The eating disorder of consistent binge eating. Diseases 200
What is Bulimia Nervosa? Back to game
This refers to growth, mental, and physical problems that may occur in a baby when a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy. Diseases 100
What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or FAS? Back to game
The disorder that can lead to the risk of diabetes and heart disease from being overweight. Diseases 50
What is Obesity? Back to game
Heredity, Environment, Wellness Health Care and Services, and Health Behaviors. Quality of Life Facts 300
What are the 4 Influences of Health and Prevention? Back to game
This is the leading cause of deaths in infants and children. Quality of Life Facts 200
What are car accidents? Back to game
Higher levels of education is a factor of… Quality of Life Fact 100
What is good health? Back to game
This reduces stress. Quality of Life Fact 50
What is Exercise? Back to game
The measure of body weight based on a person’s weight and height. Nutrition 300
What is Body Mass Index or BMI? Back to game
This is voluntary restraint from indulging in close relationship activities, drinking, and even foods. Nutrition 200
What is Abstinence? Back to game
This helps to maintain and replace the tissues in your body, foods such as beef and dry beans… Nutrition 100
What is Protein? Back to game
These are vital for many of the functions your body needs to stay healthy, including energy production, immune system function and they'll help to keep your heart healthy. Nutrition 50
What is water – soluble vitamins? Back to game
Credits: Juice - Anorexia girl - Credits: Bulimia girl - FAS - Hippo - Hospital – Exercise - & Protein -*ZBTkR5twj9CsIdMWqX4KXACjeCcIc_/proteinfood.jpg