This is just too easy…..
MY PLAN Discuss clinical and personality psych conceptions of narcissism Discuss what personality psychologists have learned about narcissism Describe a study that assesses the link between narcissism and subjective well-being
NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER Has Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love Believes that he or she is special and unique Requires excessive admiration Has strong sense of entitlement Is exploitative of others Lacks empathy Is envious of others Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY INVENTORY 1) I have a natural talent for influencing people I am not good at influencing people 2) Modesty doesn’t become me I am essentially a modest person 3) I would do almost anything on a dare I tend to be a fairly cautious person 4) The thought of ruling the world frightens the hell out of me. If I ruled the world, it would be a better place. 5)I can usually talk my way out of anything. I try to accept the consequences of my behavior.
Narcissism Arrogant behavior Inflated self-beliefs Selfishness Assertiveness Focus on superiority Entitlement
A PERSONALITY VIEW OF NARCISSISM Normally distributed personality trait Predictive of behavior
+ Parental overvaluation/ warmth + Game-like love style; - forgiveness + Self-serving attributional bias + Illusions of the self - Neuroticism + Extraversion - Agreeableness
NPD Has Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love Believes that he or she is special and unique Requires excessive admiration Has strong sense of entitlement Is exploitative of others Lacks empathy Is envious of others Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
Grandiose Narcissism Selfishness Assertiveness Inflated self-beliefs Focus on superiority Emotional Stability Entitlement Vulnerable narcissism Selfishness Anxiety Defensiveness Focus on adequacy Emotional Instability Entitlement
ASSESSING VULNERABLE NARCISSISM I am disappointed when others don’t notice me. I need others to acknowledge me. I hate asking for help. I can’t stand relying on other people because it makes me feel weak. I sometimes feel ashamed about my expectations of others when they disappoint me. When others disappoint me, I often get angry at myself.
- Extraversion + Neuroticism - Agreeableness -/0 self- esteem + Reactive hostility/narcissistic rage + Social Dependence + Parental Psychological Control/ Emotional Manipulation
SUMMING UP JUST A BIT Narcissism is not just ‘GRANDIOSITY’ but also a related, but distinct, dimension of ‘VULNERABILITY’ Related to distinct personality and interpersonal profiles/behavior These are two DIMENSIONS of narcissism, some of which everyone has, not two types of people you could be.
SOME NEW RESEARCH ON THESE TWO DIMENSIONS OF NARCISSISM…. How do the different dimensions of narcissism relate to subjective well- being, both solely and when interacting with life situations?
WHY THIS PROJECT? Exploring personality and mental health Expanding the literature linking GN to SWB (e.g., Egan, Chan, & Shorter, 2014; Zuckerman & O’Loughlin, 2009) Additional test of GN/VN distinction
WHAT DID WE DO? Participants 388 M-Turk workers 87% White, 62% older than 30, 55% made less than $50K/year Measures Narcissism: NPI (Raskin and Terry, 1988); PNI (Pincus, et al, 2009) Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, et al., 1985) Meaning in Life questionnaire (Steger et al., 2006)
LIFE SATISFACTION ____ 1. In most ways my life is close to my ideal. ____ 2. The conditions of my life are excellent. ____ 3. I am satisfied with my life. ____ 4. So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. ____ 5. If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. Diener, et al., Strongly disagree DisagreeSlightly DisagreeNeither agree nor disagree Slightly agreeAgreeStrongly agree
MEANING IN LIFE the sense made of, and significance felt regarding, the nature of one’s being and existence” (Steger et al., 2006, p. 81). 1. ____ I understand my life’s meaning. 2. ____ I am looking for something that makes my life feel meaningful. 3. ____ I am always looking to find my life’s purpose. 4. ____ My life has a clear sense of purpose.
ARE GRANDIOSITY AND VULNERABILITY RELATED BUT DISTINCT? Bivariate Correlation, r =.65** Extreme Groups (Tripartite Split) High GrandiosityLow Grandiosity High Vulnerability7913 Low Vulnerability1281
DO THE NARCISSISM DIMENSIONS PREDICT SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING? Life SatisfactionPresence of Meaning Search for Meaning NPI.12*.19*.02 PNI-G ** PNI-V -.34**-.37**.36**
MULTIPLE REGRESSION BETAS Life Satisfaction Presence of Meaning Search for Meaning NPI * PNI-G.25**.24**.35** PNI-V -.51**-.52**.14*
Self-focused nature of narcissism should render children a less positive (or even negative) force on well-being
Life SatisfactionPresence of Meaning Search for Meaning Having kids.21**.25**-.15** 163 participants with kids 209 without kids
*** This interaction was observed for both NPI and PNI- G and for both life satisfaction and presence of meaning in life
SUMMING IT UP…. Vulnerability and Grandiosity predict SWB differently Vulnerability = highly and consistently negative Grandiosity = positive, but… Grandiose narcissism interacts with life circumstances to predict view of life High GN allows one to extract less satisfaction/meaning from parenting
WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Narcissism is a multidimensional construct whose dimensions are unique in their affective flavor and in their potency to overwhelm (or resist) the impact of life events Vulnerable narcissism is particularly problematic with Grandiose narcissism being somewhat less so.
MORE BROADLY…. Personality can help us understand how a person views their life, how environments affect them, and, maybe, how to most effectively create environments that can help them function And finally….