WELCOME TO EUROPE Culture through art and research LOGOS Ceip Gloria Arenillas November 2013
RECEPTION STUDENTS This is the logo that students of three, four and five years, imagine for our Comenius Project. Lovely! Good job!
1st cycle To the left, logos from the year 2. To the right, logos from the year 1 Well done!
2nd cycle Year 3 made lovely logos. Fantastic!
2nd cycle Year 4 worked clear and with fantasy everywhere. Really good job!
3rd cycle Year 5 worked with different art materials, and the result was very nice. Good job!
3rd cycle Year 6 worked art and maths together. Excellent job!
And finally… This is the Spanish logo winner. Mario from year 6.
This is… The second logo winner. Josete from year 5, made it.
And… This is the third logo winner. It was drawn for Andrea, year 4.
Part of our school The headteacher. The coordinator Comenius project. And the winner students.
Look at their smiles Josefina and the winners.
Congratulation! Andrea. Mario. Josete.
Welcome to Europe