Dephasing and noise in weakly- coupled Bose-Einstein condensates Amichay Vardi Y. Khodorkovsky, G. Kurizki, and AV PRL 100, (2008), e-print arXiv: Erez Boukobza, Maya Chuchem, Doron Cohen, and AV PRL, in press (2009), e-print arXiv: I. Tikhonenkov and AV PRL, submitted, e-print arXiv:
Matter-wave interference Andrews et. al., Science 275, 637 (1997) Fringe visibility is proportional to SP coherence = N 1 + N 2
Freely expanding condensates d x z y
Coherent preparation Equal populations: Well defined relative-phase Population difference:
Fock preparation Population difference: N 1 - N 2 Undefined relative phase between the two BECs Does the Fock preparation give interference fringes ?
Fringes in the Fock preparation Fock states are superpositions of coherent states: Any single-shot interferometric measurement constitutes a single phase-projection. Each shot gives fringes with random phase: While the multi-shot density averages out to:
Coherent splitting of a BEC T. Schumm et al., Nature Physics 1, 57 (2005)
Coherent splitting of a BEC The mere existence of interference patterns does not indicate Initial SP coherence - need to verify reproducible fringe position. T. Schumm et al., Nature Physics 1, 57 (2005)
Outline Assume a coherent preparation. Interactions cause ‘Phase-Diffusion’. How long will SP coherence survive ? 1.PD between weakly-coupled BECs - ‘Phase Locking’. 2.Control of PD by noise. 3.Sub shot-noise interferometry and PD between atoms and molecules.
Model: a bosonic Josephson junction
Total number conservation Hence coherence is characterized by the length of the Bloch vector restricted to be inside the sphere. Fringe Visibility: LxLx LyLy LzLz
Coherent = classical states SU(2) coherent states: Gross-Pitaevskii classical (mean-field) energy functional with :
Interaction regimes Rabi regime Weak interaction, linear (perturbed) L x eigenstates Josephson regime Intermediate strong interaction Nonlinear ‘islands’ in a linear ‘sea’ Separated by ‘figure-8’ separatrix Fock regime Strong interaction, nonlinear ‘sea’ area less than the Planck cell (perturbed) L z eigenstates
Classical dynamics u>2 ‘ self trapping’ A. Smerzi et al., PRL 79, 4750 (1997). M. Albeiz et al., PRL 95, (2005).
Phase ‘diffusion’ in the Fock regime Coherent state preparation: binomial superposition of Fock states Evolve with J = 0, U ≠ 0, . Ut For and
t d / t rev First phase diffusion experiment M. Greiner, O. Mandel, T. Haensch., and I. Bloch, Nature 419, 51 (2002). VBVB VAVA
Slow phase-diffusion as a probe of number-squeezing G.-B. Jo et Al., PRL 98, (2007)
‘Phase locking’ S. Hofferberth, I. Lesanovsky, B. Fischer, T. Schumm, and J. Schmiedmayer, Nature 449, 324 (2007) u ≈ 5u ≈ ∞u ≈ 300u ≈ 100 N ~ 1000
Phase-diffusion between weakly coupled condensates u=10 4 u=10 3 u=10 2 u=10 N=1000 E. Boukobza, M. Chuchem, D. Cohen, and AV, PRL, in press (2009). Phase locking in the Josephson regime is phase-sensitive :
Semiclassical quantization Planck cell: Low energy ‘sea’ levels Separatrix levels High energy degenerate ‘island’ Um 2 levels ‘sea’ ‘islands’ separatrix
Semiclassical interpretation
How good is semiclassics ? n=1000 u=1000
Correlation time of Phase-diffusion Linearization about
Quantum Zeno control of phase-diffusion Y. Khodorkovsky, G. Kurizki, and AV, PRL 100, (2008) Long correlation times: t c for phase diffusion in BEC is of order ms Slow down phase diffusion by frequent measurements / noise. Since phase diffusion is along the L x axis, noise has to project onto onto L x (measure odd-even population imbalance - quasimomentum). Hence site indiscriminate noise such as stochastic modulation of the barrier height.
QZE reminder For t«t c = , SP coherence decays quadratically Frequent projective measurements of L x ( g 1,2 (1) ) at intervals: SP dephasing slows down as t 0 L. A. Khalfin, JETP Lett. 8, 65 (1968). B. Misra and E. C. G. Sudarshan, J. Math. Phys. Sci. 18, 756 (1977).
QZE limit: Uncorrelated, Markovian noise: Quantum kinetic master equation: Linearization of the master equation gives the QZE result: QZE control of phase-diffusion
Bose enhancement of QZE As opposed to log(N) (or N 1/2 ) decoherence-free diffusion time: Extended phase-diffusion time, depends linearly on N :
Preparation with noise numerical (lines) vs. analytic (symbols) N=100 N=200 N=400 N=100N=200N=400 N=100 N=150 N=300 N=100 Rabi: Josephson:
Comparison with local noise Initial coherent state Noiseless dynamics Macroscopic ‘cat’ state Site-localized noise z =0.05J Site-indiscriminate noise x =J N = 30 u = 2 t = 2.4 J
Atom-molecule dephasing in a sub-shot- noise SU(1,1) matter-wave interferometer 2E a EmEm E Optical coupling 2E a EmEm Feshbach resonance Undepleted pump:
SU(1,1) Casimir operator: Fock states: k - Bargmann index m = 0,1,2,…
Two-atom coherent states KxKx KyKy KzKz }
Atom-molecule interferometer KxKx KyKy KzKz (a) (b),(c) (d) KyKy KzKz KxKx (c) (b) (a)(d)
Heisenberg-limited precision
Introduce interactions - dephasing For sinh >> 1 sin(ut) ~ ut sinh ~ 2n
Fringe visibility KxKx KyKy KzKz (a) (b),(c) (d) Time domainFrequency domain
Co-Authors Gershon Kurizki Weizmann Institute Doron Cohen BGU Maya Chuchem MSc, BGU Erez Boukobza Postdoc, BGU Amichay Vardi BGU Igor Tikhonenkov Research Fellow, BGU Yuri Khodorkovsky MSc BGU WIS
Conclusions Phase diffusion between weakly-coupled Bose condensates (Josephson regime) is phase-sensitive. It has a long (~1-10ms) correlation time. Thus, it may be slowed down by frequent (projective) or continuous measurement of the primitive quasi-momentum. The obtained QZE is Bose stimulated due to the transition from log(N)- to N-dependent characteristic diffusion times. In atom-molecule systems, the inherent phase-squeezing may be use to do interferometry below the standard quantum limit. But, since it comes at the price of number-stretching, atom- molecule phase diffusion time is ~1/N.