Page.132 Brown’s Book
Style : general characteristics that differentiate one individual from another. Strategy: any number of specific methods or techniques for approaching a problem or task.
It is related to the input. It is related to processing, storing, retrieving information. Learning strategy It is related to the output It is related to producing, expressing meanings, and delivering information to others. Communication strategy
Teachers realized there is no one single perfect way to teach languages. Some learners successes regardless of the method or technique used. Some researchers such as Rubin (1975) and Stern (1975) described “Good Language ;earner” in term of their personal characteristics, styles and strategies.
Planning for learning Thinking about learning process Monitor one’s production or comprehension Evaluating learning after an activity is completed. Metacognitive strategies Limited to specific tasks. More direct manipulation of learning material itself. Cognitive strategies Social mediating activity. Interacting with others. Socioaffective strategies
Check table 5.2., page 134. Notice that some of these strategies are communicative strategies as well.
Potentially conscious plans for solving communication problems when a person tries to deliver specific information.
Avoidance strategies Syntactic OR lexical avoidance. Phonological avoidance Topic avoidance Compensation strategies: compensation for the missing information Prefabricated patterns. Code-switching with beginners NOT advanced. Appeal for authority/help.
Direct strategies: Memory cognitive compensation Indirect strategies Metacognitive Affective Social
Research focused on categorizing and defining strategies and relating strategy use to success in language learning. Evidence was found on usefulness of strategy use in language learning. The result is the application of two approaches: Strategies-based instruction SBI Autonomous self- help training.
TEACHING STUDENTS “HOW TO LEARN” First: identify learner’s styles and strategies. Second: incorporate strategy training into course. Third: Provide extra class assistance for students. Fourth: make sure students understand strategies and how to use them.
To lower inhibitions: play guessing games, role plays, songs, group work, laughing. To encourage risk taking : praise students for extra effort, give out of class assignments to practice language. To build students self-confidence: tell them you believe in them, have them make lists of their strengths. To encourage students to use right brain processing: use movies and images, have them read fast, fluency exercises.