Funding Opportunities (NACSO ) WWF Regional CBNRM Training & Capacity Building Project
Background & Objectives WWF Norway and WWF SARPO Adressing Capacity needs at different levels Govt, NGO’s, Community level Involve Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe
Goal “To contribute to poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods at rural household level from the management of natural resources by local communities”
Purpose “ To have CBNRM adopted as a mainstream strategy for rural development in southern Africa.”
Objectives 1. Regional Forum for sharing best practices, information and carrying peer reviews made operational and establishment/strengthening of Peer Review Fora supported at national level. (NACSO)
Cont’ objectives 2. Appropriate CBNRM training supported in formal and non-formal institutions.
Cont’ objectives 3. Appropriate CBNRM training supported in formal and non-formal institutions.
Cont’ objectives 4. Strategic institutional capacity building of focal organisations involved in CBNRM in the public, private sectors, civil society and community levels implemented in the partner countries
Cont’ objectives 5. Policy and legislation support provided at country level to promote and improve implementation of CBNRM with linkage to regional sectoral policies and transboundary initiatives.
Cont’ objectives 6. Strategic Interventions (HIV/AIDS, crosscutting, emerging and gender issues, etc
Regional Working Groups 6 Regional working groups Each working group will have a facilitator contracted by the Regional Forum Lead Coordinator’s responsibilities;(coordinate actitivities of the working group at regional level; report to the Programme Management Unit; Steering Committee. Each National for a to nominate 2 possible candidates for each working group (Cv’s included)
Policy Working Group 1) Provision of Technical support to the National For a CBNRM Policy development 2) Mainstreaming and liason 3) Coordination / Harmonasation of the policies 4) Management orientated monitoring systems
Policy working group criteria Policy Expert Lawyers CBNRM practioners Resources persons as when needed Policy institutions (IUCN)
Enterprise Working Group 1. Development of viable CBT : Identifying and documenting best practices CBE’s & wildlife and non wildlife sectors Developing training materials Testing the materials
Enterprise Development Working Group cont’ Criteria Private Sector / Marketing developers Resource Economist CBNRM practioners Lawyers (intelectual property rights &ABS)
Perfomance Monitoring 5. The group is to develop: best practices, develop standards, guidelines, national perfomance monitring evaluation for dissemination via range of tools; come up with application; tools to be shared.
Perfomance Orientated Monitoring Systems Criteria Practitioners / people technically engaged in CBNRM (already employed in the field) Project development specialist MIS people Policy People Social scientists
CBO organisational development / Institutional Access and benefit sharing Document and apply capacity building practices Test documentation in all countries Review, research and identify best practices Test documentation by piloting and dissemination of best practices
Training Cross- Cutting of the five Other training will be carried out by expertise within other working groups Members of the group will be chosen according to the requirements from the other groups.
DRAFT AGENDA Funding Opportunities Draft Agenda 14th February 2006 Venue: NACSO OFFICE Participants (Working Group Chairpersons & Technical Assistance 1. Welcoming by NACSO Secretariat 2. Short Backround and overview of the WWF / SARPO Funding 3. Identify opportunities within the National for a & Working Groups (Brainstorming) 4. Discuss TA‘s for the work plan & Budget Tea Break 5. Short Overview of the European Development Funding (RPRP) 6. Identify current opportunities 7. Discuss what skills and resources are needed (e.g. TA’s for support; EU-proposal writing; identify strategies creating linkages with Regional Councils) Break 8. Millennium Development funding (Namibia Planning Commission / NANGOF) 9. Short Overview of the MDA 10. Discussion identify TA and Opportunities around participation Other funding mechanism (ICEMA????) Closure around 13h00