What Is Diagnostic Medical Imaging The technology to extract clinical useful information in the format of images. The Imaging involves physics, engineering, computer sciences, and biology.
2 Major Medical Imaging Methods Transmission Radiation Conventional X-ray Computerized Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ultra-Sonography Emission Radiation Thermography Single Photon Emission tomography Positron Emission Tomography
تصويربرداري بر مبناي نوع اطلاعات 1) تصويربرداري اطلاعات أناتوميك 2) تصويربرداري اطلاعات فيزيولوزيك 3) تصويربرداري اطلاعات مولكولي (تغييرات شيميائي) 4) تصويربرداري اطلاعات عملكردي
(تصویربرداري مولكولي (تغييرات شيميائي 1) PET 2) fMRI 3) MRS
PET-SPECT Difference
3D functional MR
Development of Imaging Methods Two major advances from technologies developed during World War II (1 & 2) (1) Nuclear Medicine from the availability of radioactive materials from nuclear reactors during late 1940s (2) Diagnostic ultrasound evolved from the develop- ment of SONAR (sound navigation and ranging); (3) Introduction of computed tomography (CT) in the early 1970s and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the 1980s. 3