Reproductive Anatomy Objectives Warm-Up SWBAT describe 3 functions of the male reproductive system. SWBAT identify 5 ways to keep the male reproductive system healthy. SWBAT describe 3 functions of the female reproductive system. SWBAT summarize the stages of the menstrual cycle. SWBAT identify 5 ways to keep the female reproductive system healthy. In the diagrams provided, draw & label what & where you think the reproductive organs are. List what you think the job is of each organ. Answer this question: Why do you think that teens have misconceptions about the reproductive systems?
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Gonads – primary sex organs Testes in males Ovaries in females Gonads produce gametes (sex cells) and secrete hormones Sperm – male gametes Ova (eggs) – female gametes Slide 16.1 Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Functions of the male reproductive system are to produce sex hormones, to produce and store sperm, and to deliver sperm to the female reproductive system.
The Testes: The Factory Testes—male reproductive glands Produce testosterone Produce sperm AKA testicles Scrotum—sac that contains testes Testosterone affects the production of sperm and signals changes at puberty, such as the growth of facial hair.. The temperature of the testes is lower than the temp. inside the body. Sperm need this lower temperature to develop properly & survive. Once a male reaches puberty, millions of sperm are produced in his testes each day. Sperm production begins when the hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland to release two hormones—luteinizing hormone & follicle-stimulating hormone. LH signals the testes to begin making testosterone. Testosterone & FSH then signal the production of sperm.
Pathway of Sperm Seminiferous Tubules: network of coiled tubules in which sperm are produced. Epididymis: pouch on top of testes; sperm mature & stored here Vas Deferens: duct sperm travel through to the seminal vesicles Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules testes. They mature & are stored in the epididymis. Sperm travel through the vas deferens to the seminal vesicles.
Pathway of Sperm, cont. Seminal Vesicle: add fluid that provides a source of energy (sugar) for active sperm Prostate: gland adds fluid that protects sperm (salt) Semen: mixture of sperm & fluids Urethra: vessel that urine & semen travel out of penis through Seminal vesicles add a fluid that provides a source of energy for the active sperm. The prostate gland adds a fluid that protects the sperm. The bulbourethral glands add a fluid that protects sperm from acidic conditions in the urethra.
FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM—LATERAL VIEW Structure and Function The functions of the female reproductive system are to produce sex hormones, to produce eggs, and to provide a nourishing environment in which a fertilized egg can develop into a baby. The functions of the
The Ovary: The Factory Ovary: female reproductive organs Produce estrogen & progesterone Produce & release mature eggs Ovulation: monthly process during which one ovary releases a ripened egg The ovaries are the reproductive organs that produce eggs. The ovaries are located a few inches below the waist, one on each side of the body. Each ovary is about the size of an almond. The ovaries have two important functions: produce female sex hormones & release mature egg cells. The sex hormone estrogen activates certain physical changes at puberty, such as breast development and controls the maturation of eggs. Progesterone activates changes to a woman’s reproductive system before and during pregnancy. At birth, each ovary contains hundreds of thousands of immature eggs. The eggs begin to mature when the girl reaches publerty. Once puberty begins, one of the ovaries releases a mature egg cell about once every month.
Pathway of the Egg Ovary Fallopian Tube: passageway that carries egg from ovary to uterus Uterus: hollow, muscular organ in which a fertilized egg grows Unfertilized eggs exit via vagina (menstrual cycle) The fallopian tubes are passageways that carry eggs from the ovaries. When an ovary releases an egg, the fingerlike ends of the fallopian tube draw the egg into the tube. Eggs, unlike sperm, cannot swim. Cilia line the tubes and sweep the egg toward the uterus. If sperm are present around the egg, it may be fertilized. Eggs are usually fertilized in the fallopian tubes. The uterus is a hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ. In the uterus, the fertilized egg can develop & grow. The utuerus has several layers of tissue and a rich supply of blood that protect and nourish the developing baby. The narrow base of the uterus is called the cervix. When a baby is ready to be born, the cervix expands to allow the baby to pass through. The vagina is the birth canal. It is a hollow, muscular passage leading from the uterus to outside of the body. Sperm enter a body through the vagina. During childbirth, the baby passes out of the mother’s body through the vagina. The walls of the vagina are very elastic, which allows it to expan dramatically during childbirth.
Menstrual Cycle Days 1-4: The Uterine Lining is shed during menstruation Days 5-12: An egg matures in one of the ovaries; the uterine lining thickens Days 13-15: Ovary releases mature egg Days 15-25: Egg Travels through fallopian tube to uterus; uterine lining continues to thicken Days 25-28: Unfertilized egg enters uterus. During the menstrual cycle, an ovary releases a mature egg. The egg travels to the uterus. If the egg is not fertilized, the uterine lining is shed and a new cycle begins. On average, a menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days, but it can be as short as 21 days and as long as 35 days.
Key Questions Male Reproductive System Female Reproductive System What are 3 main functions of the male reproductive system? What is the name of the sac in which the testes are located? What is semen, and how is it formed? What are 3 main functions of the female reproductive system? What is ovulation? Where are the fallopian tubes located? What is their function? What event marks the end of one menstrual cycle and the beginning of another? Male Reproductive System To produce sex hormones, to produce & store sperm, and to deliver sperm to the female reproductive system. Scrotum A mixture of sperm cells & fluids. It forms when sperm from the testes mix with fluids from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands Female Reproductive System To produce sex hormones, to produce eggs, and to provide a nourishing environment in which a fertilized egg can develop into a baby. The release of a ripened egg by an ovary Between the ovaries and the uterus; to carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. menstruation