The Art and Science of Teaching Robert J. Marzano A Comprehensive Framework For Effective Instruction Review of Chapter 2
What will I do to help students effectively interact (become engaged) with new knowledge?
Comprehensive Approaches for Student Construction of Meaning Critical Input Experiences those experiences that present important new content to students Previewing: any activity that starts students thinking about the content they will encounter in a critical input experience. Small Chunks: Teaching in small steps (scaffolding) Active Processing Using Macro strategies: differentiating instruction Effects of Different Types of Learning Experiences in Nuthall’s Research Type of ExperiencePercent of Information Recalled One Year After Completion of the Unit Visual Instruction77 Dramatic Instruction57 Verbal Instruction53
Macrostrategies Sub components * Summarizing and Note Taking * Nonlinguistic Representations * Questioning * Reflection * Cooperative Learning
Action Steps Action Step 1 Identifying critical input experiences. This action step requires a teacher to single out a few well structured input experiences as critical to students learning. Similar to essential questions this provides a focus for students and teachers.
Action Step 2 Preview the content prior to a critical input experience Activating schema What do you think you know? Overt linkages Preview Questions Brief teacher summary Skimming Picture Walk Teacher prepared notes
Action Step 3 Organize students into groups to enhance the active processing of information.
Action Step 4 Present new small chunks and ask for descriptions and discussions and predictions. Formal instructional strategies Reciprocal teaching Jigsaw Concept Attainment
Action 5 Ask questions that require students to elaborate on students information. General inferential questions Elaborative interrogations
Action Step 6 Have students write out their conclusions or represent their learning nonlinguistically Notes Graphic organizers Dramatic enactments Mnemonic devices Academic notebooks
Action step 7 Have students reflect on their learning
Final Thoughts… In designing effective teaching or learning it is important that students perceive and process information in different ways. * Students perceive (critical input experiences) information and events in two ways “by feeling them and their thinking about those experiences as they conceptualize them.”
“The teaching-learning process is interactive in nature and involves the implicit and explicit negotiation of…meanings.” * When students perceive by personal engagement such as sensations, emotions, physical experiences and memories the student makes connections. The relationship between the feelings of experience and the thinking for conceptualization is crucial to the learning process. It connects the personal values and personal insights of learners to the experts.