THE 4TH HIGHER EDUCATION FORUM, 2012 University Governance Interdependencies and Linkages in Higher Education in Tanzania Prof. Josephat Stephen Itika Mzumbe university Naura Springs Hotel, Arusha 13th – 14th September, 2012
Introduction … Thinking about interdependencies and linkages in higher education..! ‘People who share a common direction and sense of community can get there more quickly and easily because they are traveling on the trust of one another’. …Terry Orlik… Embracing Your Potentials.
Introduction From Bureaucracy to new public management as the basis for good governance The place of universities in new public management - challenged to be more responsible and accountable in the utilization of resources, provision of quality education and adherence to good practices of value for money. - Redefinition of the role from ivory tower to meeting stakeholders expectations - Refine governance structure
Objective of the Paper The paper raises theoretical and practical issues as well as areas of interdependencies and linkages that influence the mode of governance in modern universities based on stakeholder theory. Highlights some emerging challenges and possible ways forward
Outline Introduction Theoretical framework The basis for interdependencies and linkages Making governance interdependencies and linkages work well Interdependencies and linkages in higher education in Tanzania Emerging challenges Conclusion
Theoretical framework Braun and Merrien (1999) as modified by De Boer et al (2007); on five components model of governance in tertiary education -state regulations and directives, the role of key stakeholders, self governance through the academics within the universities, managerial internal self governance and the influence of the market forces.
Theoretical framework Philosophical duality of the model - University as a republic of scholars - University as an organ for meeting key stakeholders needs, objectives and interests
Theoretical framework Stakeholder theory (Freeman, 1984) -any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organisation’s “objectives” Answering 3Qs - Who are the stakeholders?, what do they want?, and how they are going to try to get it? These are governance drivers
Stakeholders ranking Mainardes et al; (2012) analysis of key university stakeholders Students appeared ten times higher than other stakeholders followed by teaching and research staff, employers, research institutions, development partners, governments and regulatory bodies.
Stakeholders in higher education Jorge et al (2012) focus on 5 key stakeholders - Students, teaching and research staff, administrative staff, companies and community
What stakeholders want? Table 1: Students Their concerns cut across the expectations of even key stakeholders outside the university and therefore in a way suggesting that a major indicator of university good governance is the extent to which students expectations are met.
What stakeholders want? Table 2: Teaching and Research staff Confirms the common notion that teaching and research staff perceive themselves as a college of scholars who are mostly interested in meeting their own job related needs. Therefore strategies that will focus on change of mindset may make a difference in improving interdependencies and linkages amongst stakeholders.
What stakeholders want? Table 3: Administrative staff Expectations do not seem to reflect university values but what is expected of any well governed organisation. Aspects of good governance featured clearly on code of good practice and more participation in decision making which extend beyond the university boundaries.
What stakeholders want? Table 4: Companies Data from companies echo the very pressing need for universities to establish strong links with industry through curriculum review, internships, students’ supervision, joint teaching and research and product development.
What stakeholders want? Table 5: Community Community wishes to have almost everything that links university education and the wider society which covers a myriad of stakeholders. This is an area which will affect the extent to which universities can adopt market models of governance in the provision of education which is more of a public than private good and hence under the influence of state bureaucracy
Making governance work Jorge et al (2012) concludes that when it comes to university governance, what matters most is the extent to which there is effective involvement of stakeholders in decision-making, the state of information and communication; and transparency and accountability for roles and positions
Comparing 5 Stakeholders
Reflections on higher education in Tanzania There are many stakeholders but we focus on 6 to limit the discussion CVCPT MoEVT MoF PoPSM TCU CAG
Interdependencies and linkages
Governance implications and challenges 1. Stakeholder involvement Fair clarity on key stakeholders governance structure and stakeholder involvement Limitations of the theory - The nature of the stakeholders do not seem to have strong characteristics of private sector organisations - Stakeholder expectations can hardly be met by using market efficiency models - The extent to which the market is the option or moderate the institutional framework
Implications and challenges 2. Information and communication Each stakeholder has independent systems of information dissemination and mostly through websites, policy documents, strategic plans, brochures, and exhibitions, Challenges - Correctness, adequacy, relevance, timely - Risk on decision making and implementation - The need for common information management platform?
Implications and challenges 3. Transparency and accountability Availability of solid governance instruments. Challenges The extent to which institutions dealing with higher education adhere to the principles of disclosure and degree of responsiveness which affect transaction costs arising from information vacuum.
Conclusion The strength of governance lies in internal/external stakeholder involvement, information, transparency and accountability However, stakeholder relationships are strongly determined by Wiberian institutional frameworks Could CVCPT mediate the position?
…If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stand by each other during the good times as well as the bad…Terry Orlik
Thank you for the opportunity to share few ideas