INNOVATIONS IN AFFORDABLE HOUSING Chris Thompson Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
Three Topics Combined resource effort – Vibrant Communities Housing and Supportive Services Affordable Housing Study
Vibrant Communities Combine multiple funding sources to support local or regional comprehensive community-based projects. Approximately $5 million in dedicated DHCD state and federal resources. Can supplement with other DHCD resources as appropriate. Partner with other agencies to increase resource pool.
Vibrant Communities Overcome silo’ed funding. Streamline application, review, contract, compliance. Leverage resources. Encourage diversity of projects and more impactful projects.
Vibrant Communities 2-3 projects initially. Up to $2.5 million per project. Applicant does not have to select funding source. Tiered evaluation. Pre-app and then invitation to apply to select groups. Include reps from Housing Finance Agency in review and share with other partners.
Vibrant Communities Eligible activities: Emphasis on housing—rehab, new construction, infill. Infrastructure. Economic development-facades, site redevelopment, broadband, loan pool. Mixed-use, industrial site redevelopment.
Vibrant Communities Challenges: Entitlement v. non-entitlement (especially for CDBG). Eligible applicant (again, CDBG). Selection of eligible activities. Capacity. Local collaboration.
Housing and Supportive Services Settlement Agreement with DOJ. Commitment to ensure the intent of the American with Disabilities Act and the Olmstead decision. Increase access and availability of integrated and independent housing options for individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability (I/DD).
Housing and Supportive Services Service agencies and housing agencies not working very collaboratively 100 Day Challenge The Rapid Results Institute – works with communities and organizations across the globe to bridge the gap between aspirations and impact related to critical social problems. Help solve the “last mile” problem in development work. Highly choreographed 100-day projects – Rapid Results Initiatives – into large-scale programs and projects. Create local ownership and accountability for results. Inspire innovation and collaboration among stakeholders at the local level.
Housing and Supportive Services 100 Day Challenge Start quickly with 100-day projects that produce tangible results. “Act their way into a new way of thinking.” Lock into a “business model” that can be scaled and sustained. Train and develop local “Rapid Results coaches” that can provide on- going coaching and facilitation support for local leaders and for 100- day project teams. Four regional teams. Each team set own goals—organizational development and “housing” goals. Celebrate the end of the challenge – October 18.
Housing and Supportive Services HAMPTON ROADS – SOUTHSIDE Chart the full process, from assessment to ongoing support, for the entire Southside region by July 15 and then share with all agencies. Within 100 days, educate 100 families and caregivers on how to make integrated housing a reality. Develop a regional Southside list of all individuals in the DOJ target population interested in living on their own with supportive services. Within 100 days, house 15 individuals within the DOJ target population and provide appropriate supportive services to them.
Housing and Supportive Services NORTHERN VIRGINIA By September 30, 2015, identify 100 people in the target population who are ready to accept housing when it is offered. Get commitments from housing authorities for 100 permanent rent subsidies or housing opportunities that are affordable for people in the target population. Increase awareness of integrated, independent housing and supportive services for people with ID/DD among the various stakeholders in the community, including a minimum of 100 providers and 100 families, through social and traditional media. Establish a unified message and voice across advocacy organizations with legislators for funding for the needs of the target population for upcoming fiscal years. Get buy-in of at least 10 organizations within the 100 days.
Housing and Supportive Services Post 100 Day Challenge New DBHDS Housing Specialists expertise to consult on regional planning and coordination activities. Capacity Building Grant. Bolster the capacity of regional stakeholders. Sustain efforts started during Challenge. Expand team. Continue design and development of infrastructure. Continued support from state agencies.
Housing and Supportive Services Actions Housing Finance Agency designated 97 vouchers. QAP for LIHTC, HOME, and state Housing Trust Fund reflects priority for projects serving I/DD population. Training / Education for Redevelopment and Housing Authorities. Twelve applied for and received admission preference. Set-aside additional 70 vouchers. Enhanced outreach campaign. Waiver reform. Rent subsidy.
Affordable Housing Study Affordable housing a priority for Administration. Executive Order – Advancing Virginia’s Housing Policy. Workgroup comprised of state agencies, advocates, practitioners. Research consortium: Virginia Tech, George Mason, Virginia Commonwealth, William & Mary
Affordable Housing Study Component 1: Describe the importance of housing-related industries in the Virginia economy and how increased jobs, spending, and earnings in these industries have impacted growth in all other sectors. Housing is part of the economic infrastructure of local communities and it is intertwined with other key economic components of this infrastructure. Construction Renovation Finance Property management Legal services Professional services, to name some.
Affordable Housing Study Component 2: Deep dive, addressing specific areas in which housing impacts our economic infrastructure. Focus on policy concerns such: Production of sufficient housing to meet growing workforce needs. Revitalization needs of older housing / neighborhoods to ensure economic vitality/competitiveness. Role of housing as a catalyst for increased economic activity. Different challenges / opportunities, for example, rural v. urban. In-depth description of housing and economic development linkages: Education Economic development Health Transportation
Supply & Demand Community Vitality Unpacking Housing and Affordability: Housing is a key part of the economic infrastructure. It is intertwined with other key economic components! Household Well-being Economic Investment Affordable Housing Study
Demonstrate importance of affordable housing. Show how availability of affordable housing is stimulates economic development / lack of is an impediment.