Downtown Vision & Action Plan Trash Receptacle Plan & Streetscape Catalogue
Downtown Vision & Action Plan The Issue Trash overflow in certain areas. Other areas have no receptacles. Some receptacles are damaged. Design is inconsistent. Aggressive development scheduled for the next 2 years which will increase traffic flow (3 apartment buildings, restaurant, hotel, VXI & YBI expansions, outdoor amphitheater). City of Youngstown Design Review Committee does not have streetscape guidelines.
Downtown Vision & Action Plan The Strategy Determine what receptacles exist and where they can be repositioned. Determine what receptacles need to be eliminated and/or replaced or improved. Identify areas where additional receptacles will be needed moving forward. Develop streetscape catalogue for DRC consideration.
Downtown Vision & Action Plan Next Steps CityScape, CCA, YSU Center For Urban & Regional Studies meeting bi-weekly on trash plan. CityScape to meet with City to discuss plans for additional receptacles (city grant pending for 15 solar powered receptacles). CityScape and Eastgate working on streetscape catalogue. To present to EAG for feedback when complete.
Downtown Vision & Action Plan Wick Ave Improvement Project
Downtown Vision & Action Plan The Issue Wick Ave is in need of paving, vehicular/pedestrian traffic flow redesign & sidewalk/lighting improvements. $2.9 million federal grant addresses paving, sidewalks and traffic flow but not lighting. Funds need raised to bury utility lines.
Downtown Vision & Action Plan The Strategy Meet with City of Youngstown, YSU and institutional stakeholders to outline details of the project. Conduct planning with engineering firm, City of Youngstown Public Works and Ohio Edison. Have money raised by start of construction (late 2016 or possibly early 2017).
Downtown Vision & Action Plan Next Steps Continue meetings with City of Youngstown, YSU and institutional stakeholders. Continue planning work with engineering firm, Public Works and Ohio Edison. Work with YSU, City, and Stakeholders to help with capital campaign.
Downtown Vision & Action Plan Downtown Walking Tours
Downtown Vision & Action Plan The Issue There is a renewed interested in the downtown area as many plans, projects and events continue to be organized. Historical and architecture tours are offered semi- regularly but there are no tours that discuss current and future plans, projects and events exclusively or welcome new or prospective individuals to the downtown area.
Downtown Vision & Action Plan Strategy & Next Steps Our first downtown tour was conducted on April 4th. 20 individuals participated (students, new- comers & long-time residents). Tours will continue on a quarterly basis. Some may have a theme (ex. ‘downtown living’). CityScape will cross promote with historical and architecture tours hosted by MVHS and Metro Monthly.
STREETSCAPE 2015 Saturday May 30, :00am-12:00pm Central Square & East Federal Street
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