Shared measurement and the Inspiring Impact programme London Funders Research and Evaluation Project Group September 2012 Eibhlín Ní Ógáin, Analyst, NPC
2 Today Introduction to Inspiring Impact Shared measurement—our thinking to date Implications for funders Future directions Q & A
3 Background Charities and social enterprises under pressure to demonstrate impact But: impact information often of low quality, not embedded, rarely standardised→ impedes learning and improvement What should they do to improve? Driven by funders or for own benefit? What’s proportionate for them? Working in isolation, reinventing the wheel Funders often want to help—e.g. funder + What should they do to support improvement?
4 Inspiring Impact—collective leadership to accelerate progress Impact Summit (Sept 2011) identified 5 key strands of work Leadership and culture Shared measurement Data, tools and systems Funder, commissioner & investor practice Coordinating support Led to Inspiring Impact: UK-wide collaboration between eight organisations with a 10-year vision: high quality impact measurement is the norm for non-profits by 2022.
5 What does good practice look like? What’s proportionate? How do we stack up? How can we improve? What approach is right for us? Which tools/systems should we use? How do others do it? What works in our field? Helping charities develop an approach to impact that helps them learn/improve
6 What does good practice look like? What’s proportionate? How do we stack up? How can we improve? What approach is right for us? Which tools/systems should we use? How do others do it? What works in our field? Code of Good Impact Practice Impact Diagnostic Coordinated resources Marketplace for tools/systems? Shared measurement Inspiring Impact’s core programme
7 Shared measurement Shared measurement is about using common tools to track progress across similar organisations and settings. Central to the Inspiring Impact programme Key principles 1.Develop collaboratively (charities and funders) 2.Developing standards (knowing what ‘good’ is) 3.Saving time and money 4.Practical and accessible 5.Adaptable and takes account of individual circumstances
8 Current research (ongoing) Literature review, interviews with experts and analysis of existing shared measurement approaches Trying to understand key drivers and success factors in shared measurement. A ‘blueprint’ for how to do shared measurement
9 Findings so far 1. Necessary Preconditions a. An influential champion. b. Financial resources. c. Urgency for change. 2. Setting a common agenda / developing common outcomes a. Creating boundaries: definition and clear objectives. b. Involving all key stakeholders. c. Aligning outcomes with strategy, at both an organisational and sector level. el 3. Developing Shared Measurement System(s). a. Relevant indicators: measurement is meaningful to frontline staff, senior management and funders b. Establishing, where possible, causal links. c. Use of technology 4. Sustaining Long-term Implementation & Change. a. Requires backbone organisation. b. Crucial number of ‘users’ and funders.
10 Implications for funders Funders play a crucial role in driving shared measurement. Support for measurement generally; using shared frameworks for reporting; active role in developing shared measurement. Funders and Inspiring Impact: ACF convening Funders for impact (FFI) group to: Develop Impact Measurement Principles for funders; and Guidance for funders on how to incorporate other elements of Inspiring Impact.
11 What next Ongoing research Piloting’ blueprint’ Interested in hearing from charities and funders who would like to get involved
12 Q & A
13 Thank you Eibhlín Ní Ógáin Tel: