Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European project supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission March 2010 – February 2012 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Bologna, 8 th of June, SCIENTER The consortium: Higher Education institutions, consulting/private research organisations and Qualification Authorities from 9 countries University of Granada (ES) Scienter Espana (ES) University of Padua (IT) Scienter (IT) The Estonian Qualification Authority (EE) Erlangen University (DE) Jagiellonian University (PL) University of Porto (PT) University of Nicosia (CY) Budapest University of Technology (HU) Cambridge Professional Development (UK)
Bologna, 8 th of June, SCIENTER What are UNILO’s aims? Encourage the take up of Learning outcomes in Higher education institutions, in particular by course/programme managers, careers guidance officers and students Enhance the use of Learning Outcomes Create self-sustaining capability, which continue promoting the Learning Outcomes approach after the end of the project
Bologna, 8 th of June, SCIENTER Why? Avoid the development of two isolated frameworks, the EQF and the QF-EHEA through the common “language” of learning outcomes, hereby supporting lifelong and lifewide learning Support dialogue between and within education systems, also on an international(ization) perspective Build bridges with the labour market and the world of work, making higher education relevant to society and unfolding its transformative potential Make higher education’s offer transparent and enhance quality assurance
Bologna, 8 th of June, SCIENTER What can an authentic LOs approach change? Recognition of any form of learning strategy and related outcomes Transformation of teaching and assessment practices towards a learning outcomes approach Approach to international mobility and recognition of titles Responsiveness to labour market and social needs
Bologna, 8 th of June, SCIENTER How? Identify current use of Learning Outcomes and their constraints and opportunities… The Institutional “State of Art” The Awareness level and current implementation The criticalities, sensitive issues, and bottlenecks in adopting a learning outcomes approach in the different stakeholders views Identify and Investigate “Leading Examples” of LOs implementation in HE… Create a Community of Practice of those interested in the use of LOs in Higher Education Develop and distribute a toolkit for effective implementation of Los in HE
Bologna, 8 th of June, SCIENTER Get involved in UNILO! Visit UNILO website at Participate in the community of practice Thank you! Daniela Proli