“South East Europe Alliance for Railway Innovation” (SEESARI) Belgrade, 13th October 2015
SOUTH EAST EUROPE With mobility being increasingly important, South East Europe presents a very strong economical potential as the strategic commercial node between Europe and Asia or/and the Middle East in collaboration with Turkey. Such a favourable geographic position should take advantage of a collaborative and modern passenger and freight railway system with excellent connections with the rest of Europe. In 2011, South East Europe had a total rail network of more than 45 000 km which carried more than 110 millions of tons of freight and more than 170 million passengers. There is room to grow the market share of rail in South East Europe - in 2010, only 2% of the total freight between Europe and Turkey was carried by rail. Source: THE ECONOMIST (2010), “From Berlin to Beijing?”, The Economist, September 16th 2010 South East Europe Alliance for Railway Innovation, Beograd, 13th October 2015
Extension of the main EU TEN –T Railway Corridors to SEE CHALLENGE 2050 Huge Rail Investments in SEE Countries needed One single “Future European Railway System” EU TEN – T Corridors Pan European Corridors Extension of the main EU TEN –T Railway Corridors to SEE NB: South Eastern Europe – Blank! South East Europe Alliance for Railway Innovation, Beograd, 13th October 2015
ACTION NEEDED! 1. An idea about the Innovation Alliance South East Europe for Railways was presented in Belgrade in October 2014 at SEE conference - because of strong interest of participants we continue to realize the idea 2. We need to prepare a concept – to develop, update, link and innovate the transportation networks in South Eastern Europe (SEE) with a specific focus on rail and we need to cooperate on this, involving all stakeholders 3. In order to do this, we need to set up a platform on which to build a structure that will support the SEE Area (SEEA) in identifying, developing and implementing innovative solutions for the South East European Railway System as part of the Future European Railway System. 4. Not only innovated and high tech solutions will be implemented, but also solutions that will contribute to better relations and connections among countries, and also to savings of costs (e.g. improvement of basic infrastructure and transport services, joint procurement of rolling stock,..) 5. This development would most possibly lead to provision of increased financing conditions for research, innovation and implementation that will help to develop the SEEA South East Europe Alliance for Railway Innovation, Beograd, 13th October 2015
THE PROPOSAL - The proposal should be built around the core rail system components which are indicated in the Challenge 2050 and the Rail Technical Strategy Europe (RTSE) that was published by the UIC on behalf of the ROC in February 2014 Based on the 8 major RTSE headings and their “Enablers”, it will be possible to easily identify an innovation programme that will suit the business needs of the rail com-munity in the SEEA. Financing: - Looking at the “Shift2Rail” initiative, it might be the best option that SEESARI would be developed as a PPP involving investment from the rail sector as well as independent businesses that are interested in and would expect benefits from involvement in the rail sector. EU initiatives and programmes: European Territorial Cooperation (e.g. Danube programme, Cross-border programmes), Horizon 2020, CEF, EFSI (EIB) Financial institutions and national governments should be enthused by this approach and be encouraged enough to want to contribute to this development approach. South East Europe Alliance for Railway Innovation, Beograd, 13th October 2015
The main goals of the future Alliance will be: Goals, vision Vision: to be an important player in development of railway system in South East Europe The main goals of the future Alliance will be: clustering of interested stakeholders for identifying the innovative ideas/solutions/projects for railway development and transport bring new ideas and soluitions (projects) into reality support the development of rail in South East Europe and support its contribution to the wider European railway system and more sustainable transport. South East Europe Alliance for Railway Innovation, Beograd, 13th October 2015
The main SEESARI stakeholders: transport operators THE PARTNERSHIP The main SEESARI stakeholders: transport operators infrastructure managers manufacturers and suppliers of technical equipment financial institutions research institutions assotiations and interest groups connected with (rail) transport national and regional authorities other institutions and administrations from a wide range of interested stakeholders They will work in close collaboration to identify, develop and implement innovative solutions for the Future European Railway System and in thus doing, support the economic growth of the South East Europe Area (SEEA). South East Europe Alliance for Railway Innovation, Beograd, 13th October 2015
WORKING PROGRAME (masterplan, strategy document,..) Draft SEEA Strategy and Innovation & Implementation Plan (under preparation) => taking into account the costumer‘/stakeholders‘ needs and business requirements To include core points that are crucial for the integration of the railway system –to be safe, efficient, attractive and sustainable Followed by a concrete action plan and time-line for implementation which we can present during the kick-off meeting The identified priorities would need to be of business interest to the wider range of stakeholders and would cover issues that are supporting not only the physical and hardware issues related to infrastructure and rolling stock but especially also to the softer issues of delivery of services to the customers, planning and marketing the services. South East Europe Alliance for Railway Innovation, Beograd, 13th October 2015
Alliance promotion and communication strategy Draft communication strategy was prepared by Serbian Railways Meetings with stakeholders Presentation on conferences and events Article in newspapers and press releases South East Europe Alliance for Railway Innovation, Beograd, 13th October 2015
Full suport of International Union of Railways ROLE OF UIC Full suport of International Union of Railways Special Taskforce for the SEE Alliance Technical support, promotion, … South East Europe Alliance for Railway Innovation, Beograd, 13th October 2015
- Organize a kick-off meeting (November 2015) NEXT STEPS - Search for expressions of interest for this partnership within the SEEA– in progress - Organize a kick-off meeting (November 2015) - Prepare a draft strategy document for research and innovation followed by a concrete action plan and time-line for implementation (should be dratfted together with stakeholders) – in progress - Prepare a first set of project proposals based on business needs and aspiration and prepare some financial scenarios for the suggested activities – in progress - Searching for funding opportunities from a range of sector and institutional sources (close watch on possible funding mechanisms such as CEF, EU Inter-Regional Programmes Horizon 2020, EFSI) - Prepare a brochure or flyer for the promotion at the kick-off meeting and to launch the website South East Europe Alliance for Railway Innovation, Beograd, 13th October 2015
Thank you for your attention! Dr. Peter Verlič Prometni institut Ljubljana d.o.o. Kolodvorska 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel.: +38612914623, +38612914626 Fax.:+38612319277 peter.verlic@prometni-institut.si www.prometni-institut.si