SDS – a discussion paper Version 0.7.1. Version 0.5.1  Version 0.7.1 SDS group – Christina Wasström (SE), Daniela Hogrebe (DE), Joeri Robbrecht (DG ENV),


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Presentation transcript:

SDS – a discussion paper Version 0.7.1

Version  Version SDS group – Christina Wasström (SE), Daniela Hogrebe (DE), Joeri Robbrecht (DG ENV), Daniele Francioli (JRC) and Michael Lutz (JRC) Changed both structure and content, some examples: – New section describing ”Requirements for services allowing spatial data services to be invoked” To clarify how the requirements in the INSPIRE directive (art. 11) is related to SDS – Added flowcharts to Flow chart illustrating if a spatial data services is in or out of scope of INSPIRE the obligations for spatial data services – Deleted the section concerning practice issues related to metadata The content of that section should instead be in TG Metadata

Agreed interpretation of the definitions Spatial data service (SDS) is a general term within INSPIRE for all services used for exchanging, sharing, access and use of spatial data or metadata SDSs are divided into two major groups, each of which is governed by separate Implementing Rules: “Network services” (Regulation (EC) 976/2009) and “Other spatial data services” (Commission Regulations (EC) 1311 and 1312/2014). All SDSs within INSPIRE (i.e. both Network services and other SDSs) shall be discoverable The other SDSs are then divided into three different categories depending on level of interoperability; Invocable spatial data service, Interoperable spatial data service and Harmonised spatial data service. Network services consist of four different types of services; discovery services, view services, download services and transformation services

Spatial data services in the context of INSPIRE and their relationships to different types and categories of services Services that are not invocable are not within the scope of INSPIRE

Guidance to understand if a spatial data services is in or out of scope of INSPIRE

Flow chart illustrating the obligations for spatial data services

Deadlines 03-Dec-2010 Metadata according to Commission Regulation (EC) 1205/2008 shall be available for spatial data services corresponding to Annex I and II themes 03-Dec-2013 Metadata according to Commission Regulation (EC) 1205/2008 shall be available for spatial data services corresponding to Annex III themes All invocable spatial data service shall have additional metadata elements according to Annex V in Commission Regulation (EC) 1089/2010 as amended by Commission Regulation (EC)1312/2014, and these additional metadata elements shall be available through a Discovery network service Invocable spatial data services related to newly collected and extensively restructured spatial data sets shall have additional metadata elements according to Annex VI (interoperable spatial data service) and, where practicable, Annex VII (harmonised spatial data service) of Commission Regulation (EC) 1089/2010 as amended by Commission Regulation (EC) 1312/2014, and these additional metadata elements shall be available through a Discovery network service All invocable spatial data services shall have additional metadata elements according to Annexes VI (interoperable spatial data service) and, where practicable, Annex VII (interoperable spatial data service) of Commission Regulation (EC) 1089/2010 as amended by Commission Regulation (EC) 1312/2014, and these additional metadata elements shall be available through a Discovery network service

Example of services that are in or out of scope of Invocable SDS Example of serviceWithin the scope? Service for reportingYes Service based on legal requirement for provision of data Yes Service that is of external interestYes Internal service e.g. for updatingNo

Next steps – for discussion Include the clarifications in the Technical Guidelines for SDS, either in the introduction or in an Annex – Who? When? It should also be discussed with the MIG-P and the EC (DG ENV), either before or after inclusion in the TG – DG ENV is part of the SDS group – MIG-P at the meeting in Rome? It will also be useful to share the clarifications with the wider INSPIRE community – Who? When?