Study guide Civil War Reconstruction
The student will explain the causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War. a. Identify & explain how each of these events was related to the Civil War
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that described the horrors of slavery. This book caused more tension between the North and the South.
John Brown John Brown was an abolitionist who spoke out against slavery. He lead a revolt and took over the gun arsenal in Harper’s Ferry, Virginia. He did this because he thought slavery was wrong and he wanted it outlawed.
How did states’ rights increase tension between the North and South? State’s right increased tension between the North and South because people in the South thought the states should make decisions about things that affected them. The Northern States thought the federal government should make decisions for the country.
How did slavery increase tension between the North and South? Slavery increased tension between the North and South. The North was filled with abolitionists. They wanted slavery outlawed. The South wanted to keep slavery. They depended on it to help produce crops like cotton, tobacco, and corn.
Identify and Describe the Battles: Fort Sumter: The first battle of the Civil War located in Charleston, South Carolina. It was because when South Carolina succeeded, the Union claimed it as theirs and the Confederacy disagreed.
Gettysburg…Turning Point Gettysburg was a battle that lasted three days. It was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War in which the North wins. It is important because the South begins to lose from this point.
Vicksburg…Mississippi River The victory at Vicksburg was a battle that was fought to gain control of the Mississippi River. The North wins this battle that lead by Ulysses S Grant.
Atlanta Campaign Sherman’s goal was to take the city of Atlanta to control the railway to take away the South’s ability to resupply troops. It was not one battle but a series of battles.
Sherman’s March to the Sea This was Sherman’s plan to end the war faster. He did this by burning and destroying everything the South could use to wage war. His troops destroyed crops, homes, barns and many other things as they marched to Savannah.
Appomattox Court House This is the town in Virginia where Robert E Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant. This signifies the end of the war.
Leaders of the South Robert E. Lee: Confederate general who led the Army of Virginia
Jefferson Davis President of the Confederacy Believed in states’ rights Believed that the South had the right to decide if they should have slaves and the right to leave the Union
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson Confederate General who fought so well his men nicknamed him “Stonewall”
Which general had the most military experience? Robert E. Lee
Leaders of the North Abraham Lincoln: President of the United States, Goal at the start of the war was to keep the Union together Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater, Washington D.C.
Ulysses S. Grant Military leader of the Union He was an aggressive fighter and who first became known for winning battles in the West.
Describe the effects of the war on the North. The effects of the war on the North were that it increased production of factories. The economy was in a boom. This results in more money in the economy. Women took over jobs that men had been doing because they were off fighting the war.
Describe the effects of the war on the South. The South experienced devastation. Many cities, farm land, and homes were destroyed in the South due to fighting. Due to Confederate money being worthless, the Southern economy was also ruined. People were without jobs, food, and often homes. The newly freed slaves were also without jobs, food, and money.
Describe the purpose of the 13 th amendment. The 13 th amendment outlawed slavery.
Describe the purpose of the 14 th amendment. The 14 th amendment gave freed black men and immigrants the same rights as citizens born in the United States.
Describe the purpose of the 15 th amendment. The 15 th amendment gave freed black men the right to vote.
Explain the work of the Freedmen’s Bureau. The Freedmen’s Bureau was a government agency whose job it was to help newly freed blacks and poor whites. It was established by Congress to assist them by giving temporary food and clothing, set up hospitals and schools, as well as jobs.
Explain how sharecropping replaced slavery Sharecropping is system of working land owned by others for a share of the crop or profit. The plantation system had depended on slave labor. After the Civil War, the slaves gained their freedom and plantation owners had ample land but little money for wages to pay people to raise the crops. At the same time the former slaves who were mainly uneducated needed farming related work. The sharecropping system of farming provided the solution and solved the problem. The sharecroppers provided the labor the plantation, and the farm owners, provided everything else - at a price.
Explain what Jim Crow Laws are and how it stopped newly freed blacks from exercising their rights. Jim Crow Laws: Jim Crow laws were laws in the South based on race. They enforced segregation between white people and black people in public places such as schools, transportation, restrooms, and restaurants. They also made it difficult for black people to vote. They passed grandfather clauses for people to vote before that. Jim Crow laws attempted to stop the newly freed blacks from voting through literacy tests, and poll taxes.
Other Examples of Jim Crow Laws Alabama - All passenger stations shall have separate waiting rooms and separate ticket windows for the white and colored races. Florida - The schools for white children and the schools for black children shall be conducted separately. Georgia - The officer in charge shall not bury any colored persons upon the ground set apart for the burial of white persons. Mississippi - Prison wardens shall see that the white convicts shall have separate apartments for both eating and sleeping from the negro convicts.
Ku Klux Klan KKK Organization that began during Reconstruction that tried to keep blacks from voting, attending schools, or exercising their new rights after the Civil War.
Poll Tax This was a fee someone had to pay to vote. White people were often exempt from the poll tax through a "grandfather clause" which said that, if their grandfather voted in a previous election, they didn't have to pay the tax.
Black Codes In an effort to get around laws passed by Congress, many southern states began to pass Black Codes. These were laws that prevented black people from voting, going to school, owning land, and even getting jobs. These laws caused a lot of conflict between the North and the South as they tried to reunite after the Civil War.
After the Civil War where were African Americans most successful? African Americans found more success in the North where they could work in factories. This did not mean that life there was easy but they had more opportunities for jobs, and an education.
After the Civil War where were most African Americans the least successful? African Americans found fewer opportunities for success in the South. This was because of Jim Crow Laws and the Black Codes. Many blacks also worked as sharecroppers that kept them on the farm and poor.
What was the role of women during the Civil War? During the Civil War women took over jobs that had been traditionally men’s. This was because their husbands, sons, and brothers were off fighting the war. Women farmed the land, ran businesses and took over the finances of the family. Some women disguised themselves and fought in the war. Other women became nurses like Clara Barton and took care of the sick in wounded on the front line and in hospitals.
The Presidents…. Union (Northern) President: Abraham Lincoln Believed the Federal Government should have more power than the states. Confederate (Southern) President: Jefferson Davis Believed the state government should have more power than the federal government. –state’s rights