Chapter 13.2: d orbitals have the same energy in an isolated atom, but split into two sub-levels in a complex ion. The electric field of ligands cause the d orbitals in complex ions to split so that the energy of an electron transition between them corresponds to a photon of visible light.
Colored complexes Nuclear charge Charge density Oxidation state
The color absorbed means the complementary color is reflected (so you will see it) If copper chloride is cyan (blue-green), then red-orange is being absorbed
In a TM complex, d-sublevel splits when an electric field (or light) is applied One of the 3d electrons is excited to a higher sub-level Note: Not same as e- emitting photon when return to ground state
The difference in energy between the split sublevels The nuclear charge Identity of central metal ion Charge and density of ligand Geometry of complex ion Oxidation number of central metal ion (number of d electrons)
Higher nuclear charge More strongly interacting with its ligands ▪ Therefore, absorbs light with higher energy Ex: [Mn(H 2 O) 6 ] 2+ vs [Fe(H 2 O) 6 ] 3+ Mn = lower ENC absorbs green show pink Fe = higher ENC absorbs blue show orange
Charge density: density of charge around the ion Greater the charge density of the ligand Greater the split of the d orbitals ▪ Absorbs higher energy light Spectrochemical series of ligands: separates ligands by energy separation of d orbitals Spectrochemical series is in Section 15 of data booklet
Oxidation state of metal depends on no. of d e- More e- means more repulsion of ligand ▪ This means less interaction of metal with ligand If oxidation number is higher = less interaction Thus, absorbs a lower energy light Vanadium oxidation state ions