Trend Micro ServerProtect For Linux. System Requirements Hardware(For 1.3, 1.25, 1.2) –Intel™ Pentium™ II processor (or higher) or AMD™ Athlon™ processor.


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Presentation transcript:

Trend Micro ServerProtect For Linux

System Requirements Hardware(For 1.3, 1.25, 1.2) –Intel™ Pentium™ II processor (or higher) or AMD™ Athlon™ processor – 128MB RAM or more – 25MB of available disk space for the /opt directory – 8MB of available disk space for the /tmp directory Supported distributions and kernels –Red Hat Enterprise Linux (AS, ES, WS) Note : ServerProtect in kernel-independent mode is the mode supported for these distributions. Therefore, only manual and scheduled scanning is available. –Red Hat Enterprise Linux (AS, ES, WS) EL smp EL up EL smp EL up Note :For other kernels and distributions, refer to the following Web site for additional information:

–SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 1.2 SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8 for z/Linux suse IBM S/390 – IBM S/390 Multiprise 3000 Enterprise Server (MP3000) 7060 – IBM Parallel Enterprise Server G5 (G5) 9672 – IBM Parallel Enterprise Server G6 (G6) 9672 – IBM zSeries – - IBM eServer zSeries 800 (z800) 2066 –- IBM eServer zSeries 900 (z900) 2064 –Turbolinux 10 Server up smp –Asianux AX up AX smp –Miracle Linux ml up ml smp

Supported Web browsers for ServerProtect Web console –Microsoft™ Internet Explorer 5.5 with Service Pack 2 or higher – Mozilla 1.4 or higher –Note: Install Sun Micro™ Java™ 2 Runtime Environment 1.4.2_01 when using Mozilla to access ServerProtect Web console. Otherwise, product registration and access to the ServerProtect online help will not work. – Note : The libgcc i586.rpm (or above) package should be installed. Otherwise, accessing the ServerProtect Web console via a Mozilla browser will not work. Supported XWindow graphical desktop environments for simple GUI console –KDE or higher

Install 解開 splx-redhat-v13.gz tar –zxvf splx-redhat-v13.gz

解開 splx-redhat-v13.gz 可以看到下列檔案 SPLX_1.3_GSG_RedHat.pdf SPLX_1.3_README_Redhat.txt SProtectLinux-1.3.RedHat.i686.bin MD5SUM


License Agreement

Active Product 可以用 Ctrl + D 放棄啟動 可以繼續安裝

使用 uname –a 找出 Kernel 的版本

下載適當的 Kernel Hook

將下載的 Kernel Hook 解壓,複製到 /opt/TrendMicro/SProtec tLinux/SPLX.module/

將 splx 的服務重新啟動 #Service splx restart

Install Complete

Verifying Installation After completing the installation, verify that ServerProtect is running optimally. To verify ServerProtect is running optimally, type the following at the command line: –/etc/init.d/splx status –The output should show all running processes, for example: –splxmod module is running... –vsapiapp (pid ) is running... –entity (pid ) is running... –ServerProtect for Linux core is running –splxhttpd (pid ) is running... –ServerProtect for Linux httpd is running If a service appears as "stopped", review the installation process.

Removing ServerProtect To remove ServerProtect: –Type the following at the command line: rpm -e SProtectLinux

Configuration 不需密碼可直接登入

Real-Time Scan

Scheduled Scan

Manual Scan

Exclusion List

Quarantine Directory

Backup Director


Alert Settings




