Glenn Houston RQIA Chief Executive EPSO Conference, 15/16 April 2015
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) appointed RSM McClure Watters to conduct a Review of the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) in April 2014
“DHSSPS will conduct a review of RQIA at least every four years or at such other intervals as the Department may determine” (Management Statement and Financial Memorandum)
Timelines March 2014 – Review announced April 2014 – Contract awarded October 2014 – Report submitted to DHSSPS January 2015 – Final report provided to RQIA March 2015 – Action plan to DHSSPS
The Purpose of the Review Statutory Functions Core Activities Financial and Management Systems Relationship between DHSSPS and RQIA
Review Methodology Project planning and initiation Desktop research Learning from other UK regulators Consultation Governance review Capacity analysis Reporting and presentation
Key Sections Review of Performance Income and Efficiency Structure and Staffing Capability and Capacity Analysis Corporate Governance Comparison with other UK Bodies
Consultation Findings “ All those consulted with were clear that there was an ongoing need for the functions of RQIA ” “ Inspection was noted as a key element of the improvement process ”
Recommendations Legislative change Operational matters Governance Resourcing
Strengths RQIA’s recommendations lead to improved services and systems Hygiene inspections contribute to increased patient safety Extensive network of external experts Good communication network with other HSC organisations Good communication with DHSSPS
Areas for Improvement Review Programme/Policy or Legislative Developments Responsibility for Follow-Up Action (Inspection Reports) Better Research to Support Findings/Recommendations Prioritise More Specific Recommendations Information Technology (eg. Hand Held Technology) Communication With Service Providers
Income and Efficiency “ RQIA has been successful in delivering on its cost savings targets. Given the increasing workload facing the organisation, it is difficult to identify any significant opportunities for further savings ”
Structure and Staffing “ A new Corporate Strategy is under development for the period 2015 to 2018, and there is a need to ensure that the HR/OD Strategy is updated as a result of the recommendations coming out of the review and the new Corporate Strategy ”
Key Recommendations for RQIA Prioritisation/Traffic Light System for Recommendations Strengthen the voice of the patient Make Inspection Reports Less Technical/More User Friendly Inspection Reports Using Outcome Based Data Resource Model to Calculate Workforce Requirements Resources for New Areas of Work
Budget for the Review £35,000