T HE S USTAINED A CCOUNTABILITY P ERFORMANCE M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM ETU CONSULTING Faye DesAulnier Tina Duh Deej Goodno Tina Maria Carlos Navarro Kerrie Smith Josh Summers
M ISSION S TATEMENT OF C ONSULTING C OMPANY N AME H ERE “Mission Statement goes here to be determined by the group” 3 Consulting Company
P URPOSE OF P ERFORMANCE M ANAGEMENT P ROGRAMS /O UR S YSTEM Collecting Information and Identify employee strengths and areas for development (weaknesses) Six Main Purposes of a PM System: Strategic Purpose Administrative Purpose Informational Purpose Developmental Purpose Organizational Maintenance Purpose Documentational Purpose 4 Consulting Company
P ERFORMANCE M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM I MPLEMENTATION AND I NTEGRATION Good Performance Management System All evaluated, standards relevant, reliable, ethical Semi-annually or annually done Our System Layers- 4 layers 1. Organizational Goals and Strategies based on Mission & Vision 1. Core, for model to grow from 2. Divisional/Department/Individual Goals, Strategies and Behaviors 1. Examine roles (in retail, would depend on department) 3. 5 step arrows 4. Talk, Communicate, Connect 1. Recap, keep the conversation alive 2. Hold all the other steps together 5 Consulting Company
P ERFORMANCE M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM I MPLEMENTATION AND I NTEGRATION 5 steps (the third layer) Performance Measurement Employee Review and Feedback Leadership and Coaching Rewards and Development Opportunities Employee Training and Development Differentiating factors of the model Non-Linear Layers Time Management 6 Consulting Company
P ERFORMANCE M ANAGEMENT S TRATEGIES Always the first step: company establishes mission/vision statement foundation for the performance management system Strategies implemented to reach goals Align the employees development plans, results and behaviors with organizational goals Conduct a gap analysis to determined the current and future environmental 7 Consulting Company
P ERFORMANCE M ANAGEMENT T EAM R EWARD S YSTEMS Visible, contingent and reversible. Distributed in the same manner as individual rewards. Motivate employees to do the right thing, work together, and meet the organizational goals. Your goals should match your rewards, which fall in line with your employees’ actions, attitudes, and motivations. 8 Consulting Company
P ERFORMANCE M EASUREMENT Differentiate between low, adequate and high level performance 3 approaches: Trait, Results, Behaviors Results Sales are key to profitability in retail industry Behaviors Identify employee competencies and indicators that help boost sales levels Our Model: Employees assessed against Objective Standards Other Employees performance 9 Consulting Company
L EADERSHIP COACHING Achieve a common purpose Facilitating growth in employees Ongoing process Providing advice about expectations Providing guidance and support The best coaches make use of different styles (driver, persuader, amiable, and analyzer) Aligns employees’ behavior, attitudes, and their performance, with the strategic goals Leadership and coaching is one of the five main components that feed into the core of the Sustained Accountability Performance Management system. 10 Consulting Company
P ERFORMANCE M ANAGEMENT AND E MPLOYEE D EVELOPMENT Will be aligned with the organization's goals Training will start after job accepted Different components for training Buddy Program Training will be open to change Ongoing training to improve and succeed 11 Consulting Company
P ERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FEEDBACK PROCESS Open, honest and make an impression Describe actions and behaviors Constructive feed back is not Criticism What you want to see improve Direct to the proper actions Personal growth and development 12 Consulting Company
P ERFORMANCE M ANAGEMENT A PPRAISAL F ORMS DJ will add to this later with a graphic 13 Consulting Company
T ALKING, C OMMUNICATING, CONNECTING AND SUSTAINED ACCOUNTABILITY Informs employees Communication is bilateral Increase employee morale, productivity, revenues The “Talk, Communicate and Connect” ring: Binds the model together Present in every aspect of the model Accountabilities communicated 14 Consulting Company
M ETHODOLOGY USED FOR A SSESSING P ERFORMANCE M ANAGEMENT Essential to have a Methodology Our System Prerequisites (Mission/Vision) Divisional/Department/Individual goals Performance Plan Performance Execution: Talk, Communicate Connect Performance Assessment: one on one 30 min. meetings 15 Consulting Company
L EGAL I SSUES Standardized performance appraisals Training to Supervisors to be fair and unbiased Appraisals open to appeals or comments Documentation is key 16 Consulting Company
C ONCLUSION - M ODEL OVERVIEW 17 Consulting Company