Www.inacol.org A Roadmap to Blended Learning Dr. Allison Powell iNACOL.


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Presentation transcript:

A Roadmap to Blended Learning Dr. Allison Powell iNACOL

i NACOL is the premier K-12 nonprofit in online learning Provides leadership, advocacy, research, training, and networking with experts in K-12 online learning. – members in K-12 online and blended learning in over 50 countries – Annual conference – iNACOL Blended and Online Learning Symposium: Palm Springs, CA on November 2 - 4, 2014 “Ensure every student has access a world class education” regardless of geography, income or background. Next Generation Learning Challenges – Gates Foundation CompetencyWorks – Nellie Mae Education Foundation Our strategic areas of focus in online and blended learning: 1.Policy 2.Quality 3.New Learning Models

Session Focus There are 6 Elements to Implementing and Maintaining a successful blended learning program. Promising practices for each element that can be replicated. Tools for blended learning. Observations from NY City Schools

My Belief: Tipping Point K-12 Online Learning already there Every school will become a blended learning school to better personalize learning for all students Ultimate goal: College and career ready students and 100% graduation rate

This is a journey, not a destination. It takes time to transform thinking and teaching.

Defining blended learning

Teaching and Learning What the student is doing and where the student is. What the teacher is doing and where the teacher is. What and where the content is.

Blended Learning Definition A formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path and/or pace and at least in part in a supervised brick-and- mortar location away from home, and, and the modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience. (Horn & Staker, 2013)

Tech-rich = blended

Not About the Technology Change in teaching Change in learning Change in pedagogy Things should look different in a blended learning environment, more student centric, more personalized learning

@MichaelbHorn Tweet “If you cannot identify the front of the room, you are probably in a disruptive / blended classroom” –#inacol13, Oct. 2013

Mott Hall V, New York City 7 th Grade Science One-to-One Group Projects Small Group Instruction

Basis for Design Work Identified a need to work with experienced design partner and iLearnNYC implementation managers to develop and document effective and replicable blended learning models that leverage school-based knowledge and experience Identified a need to create a community of schools who can learn and share with one another to advance their blended learning strategies and models

iLearnNYC & iNACOL Partnership One year – School Year Visitations, interactions, focus on 8 lab schools –Weekly phone calls with district support staff –Conversations with administrators, teachers and students End Product: Blended Learning Roadmap

iNACOL’s Design Structure Visioning and Fact Finding Activities: Ongoing interviews and information gathering from lab schools and cohort schools in subsequent months Development of clear expectations and focus of each of the initial 8 lab schools Identifying risks to implementation Creation, and ongoing guidance in the development, of the Design Template Toolkit: Recommended structures for implementation practices A process by which the toolkit gets populated and utilized Information and data to use in the Toolkit Training in the use and population of the toolkit Training, Dissemination and Implementation: Work collaboratively with schools and support the necessary professional development activities Provide ongoing mentoring Coach schools to "roll up their sleeves" and prepare for implementation of specific lab school model

Key Learning Clear Goals need to be established, written and discussed in ongoing way Leadership determines sustainability and success (Administrators and Teachers) Collaborative leadership style is essential School culture of support, innovation (it is ok to try and fail) Ongoing professional development (formal and informal)

Six Elements Emerged Result: A Roadmap for Blended Learning Implementation

Successful Blended Learning involves Six Elements Leadership Professional Development Teaching/Instructional Practice Operations/Admin Systems/Policy Content Technology

Leadership School Implementation Identified administrator/leader and teachers at each school Ongoing interactions (one-on-one, formal and informal) and meetings of those involved in iLearn Administrators, teachers and administrators work together towards the blended learning goals established in each school Promising Practices School culture of innovation and empowerment Start small and build Communication is strong and occurs between involved people in a variety of ways (one-to-one, phone, , chat, etc.)

School Example: Leadership At Mott Hall V: Daily walk-throughs at Mott Hall V by principal and assistant principal Weekly meeting time built into school work day Designated lead blended learning teacher

Professional Development School Implementation Both formal and informal (Schedule trainings to one-on-one customized PD) Modeling, webinars, small conferences, workshops, cohort meetings Implementation Managers are key Promising Practices Scheduled Time Teacher Resources Professional Sharing School Support

School Example: Professional Development At Goddard HS: –IM has identified two teachers to work one- on-one to push individual growth –Scheduled time to collaborate and share for participating teachers –Leadership and IM communicate regularly about PD needs, offerings and resources to meet these needs

Teaching/Instructional Practices School Implementation Created Resources –Blended Learning Continuum, Interactive Applet, Blended Learning Rubric Support for new blended learning teachers – modeling and mentoring Analyzing real-time data to personalize learning for each student Promising Practices Classroom Setup Data Analysis Individualized Instruction Student Engagement Digital Content

School Example: Teaching/Instructional Practice Olympus Academy has primarily implemented a flex model of blended learning in which content and instruction are delivered primarily by the Internet, students move on an individually customized schedule. A certified teacher along with instructional support assistants provide face-to-face support through as small- group instruction, group projects, and individual tutoring.

Operations/Management Systems/Policy School Implementation Restructuring of the traditional school class / school day Emphasis on using real-time student performance data Change in instructional delivery model Promising Practices Operational support Policy development examples Data-driven instruction

School Examples: Operations/Management Systems/Policy Because Olympus Academy specially targets students who are at least 16 year of age and are significantly behind in credit acquisition, school administration and teachers recognize that students need online content and instructional practices that is adaptive to their personal needs and allows for flexibility in pacing.

Content School Implementation Common platform Content providers to choose from Professional development and teacher sharing about content provider and platform use Promising Practices Content Decision Making (purchase or build your own) Customizable platform – many teachers using base curriculum and supplemental based on student needs Customizable for individual student needs

School Examples: Content Expand foreign language options by offering online French offered by a teacher at another school (A la carte model) Expand AP options by developing AP Environmental Science (A la carte model)

Technology School Implementation School leadership ensures that technology needs of students and teachers are addressed, and proper training provided. Dedicated technical support for the blended learning programs. School leadership is visible in their own use of technology; modeling expectations. Promising Practices Technology Training Technology Support Hardware and Software Needs

School Examples: Technology Francis Lewis has dedicated tech support onsite to support administrators, teachers and implementation managers with the network and devices used in the school. Because Francis Lewis instructors involved in the blended learning program utilize a variety of both vendor content, Open Educational Resources (OER) materials, and teacher-created online courses, the implementation of common learning management system is very important

Implementation Plan for Roadmap Introduce to administrators and teacher leaders in day long visioning meeting 3-5 year implementation plan Ongoing meetings of implementation teams to share what is working / promising practices

Overview of Roadmap Resources Continuum from Textbook Enhanced to Online Teaching and Learning Implementation Timelines (Year 1 and 2-4) iLearnNYC Observation Form Rubric for Blended Learning

From Textbook to Online Teaching Online Teaching Textbook Enhanced Teaching Technology Enhanced Teaching Web / Online Enhanced Teaching

Blended Learning Rubric 1.Leadership 2.New Staff Roles 3.New Student Roles 4.Personalized Learning Plans and Progress 5.Next Generation Curriculum and Assessment 6.Flexible and Real World Learning Environments

4-Point Rubric 1.Under Developed 2.Developing 3.Proficient 4.Well Developed

Blended Learning Preparation

iNACOL Resources iNACOL Blended Learning Roadmap (NYC) Mean What You Say: Defining and Integrating Personalized, Blended and Competency Education A Day in the Life of a Blended Learning Teacher Webinar M.A4AD5CB70B5A4D831FFD0B6FB3AD 9A.vcr&sid= M.A4AD5CB70B5A4D831FFD0B6FB3AD 9A.vcr&sid=253

Thank you! Questions & Comments Contact information: Allison Powell - All Resources and PPT can be downloaded at -