A Transformational Approach for Multimodal Web User Interfaces based on UsiXML Adrian Stanciulescu, Quentin Limbourg, Jean Vanderdonckt, Benjamin Michotte and Francisco Montero Université catholique de Louvain, School of Management (IAG) {stanciulescu, limbourg, vanderdonckt, michotte, Objectives: Developing multimodal web UI based on UsiXML Approach based on model-to-model graph transformations Progresivelly moves from Task&Domain to FUI Consists on four steps divided into sub-steps Hypotheses: Four modalities that involve four devices: keyboard, mouse,microphone, loud speakers No fusion/fission needed: independent interpretation/rendering for each modality is performed Modality type is exclusive: sequential and independent interaction Supported CARE properties: assignement and equivalence Step 1: The Task & Domain Models Graphical description of the models and the mappings between them IdealXML tool: automatic generation of UsiXML specification Transformation engine (TransformiXML) Concrete user Interface #1 (graphical) Concrete user Interface editor (GrafiXML) XHTML code XHTML browser XHTML Generator Abstract user interface #1 Domain modelTask model … … Abstract user interface #2Abstract user interface #n Concrete user Interface #1 (multimodal) X+V code IBM X+V browser XSL Transformation … Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 General development scenario of UI Task & Concepts Abstract UI Concrete UI Final UI Task & Concepts:interactive tasks carried out by the end user & domain objects AUI: UI definition independent of any modality of interaction CUI: concretizes an AUI into CIOs (widget sets found in popular graphical and vocal toolkits) Context of use: user, computing platform, enviroment FUI: operational UI that runs on a particular platform either by interpretation or by execution Step 2: From Task & Domain Models to AUI Model Defining transformation systems that realize the transition from Task & Domain Models to AUI Model LHS RHS NACResultant AUI fragment BCHI LHS RHS NAC Step 3: From AUI Model to CUI Model Defining transformation systems applied to realize the transition from AUI Model to CUI Model Four variants of CUI are considered: total graphic, predominant graphic, predominant vocal, total vocal Resultant CUI fragment Step 4: From CUI Model to FUI Model Transforming each variant of CUI into their respective FUI: Total graphic Predominant graphic Predominant vocal Total vocal XHTML genarator of GrafiXML tool XSLT to produce VoiceXML code XSLT to produce X+V code Transformation rule mechanism: G: initial UsiXML specification LHS matches into G NAC doesn’t match into G RHS replaces LHS G is transformed into G’ (resultant UsiXML specification Specification of transformation: TransformiXML tool: Choose input file (models to transform) Select development path (starting and destination point) Edit rules in an XML editor Save the result in a UsiXML file