GDDS ACTIVITIES IN GHANA by Anthony Amuzu National GDDS Coordinator
Expression of interest to Participate in GDDS Ghana’s interest in participation in the General Data Dissemination System was expressed by a Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance at a Bank-Fund meeting in Dubai in 2003
Designation of GDDS Coordinator The GDDS Coordinator was designated and communicated to the IMF in February 2004
Mission on preparation of metadata In April/May 2004, a 3-member mission was in the country to assist with the drafting of metadata for the various sectors Coverage: RealExternalHealth FiscalPopulationPoverty FinancialEducation
Metadata for National Accounts and Prices Indices Metadata was drafted for all the indicators except National Accounts and Price Indices Some work was already on-going to re- base the National Accounts and Price Statistics and this necessitated the delay Metadata for these sectors were finally prepared in November 2004
Formation of GDDS Technical Committee A GDDS Technical was formed and inaugurated on 11 th May 2005 Membership is from the following institutions: Ghana Statistical Service Bank of Ghana Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning Ministry of Health Ministry of Education and Sports
Posting of Metadata of DSBB It is gratifying to note that the final metadata for Ghana was posted on the Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB) exactly one week ago 20 TH JULY 2005
Technical Assistance Received Even though a late participant in the GDDS, Ghana has received technical assistance in the following areas: Rebasing of the National Accounts Re-basing of CPI Adoption of GFS Manual 2001 Additional missions on the above are expected before the end of the year
Technical Assistance Requests Requests have been prepared for further Technical Assistance in the following areas: Population data analysis and dissemination Poverty analysis Compilation of domestic and foreign debt with the installation of software Migration from BPM4 to BPM5
GDDS AWARENESS WORKSHOP A GDDS Awareness has been planned for the 17 TH AUGUST 2005 at the Accra International Conference Centre Workshop was originally planned for Friday, 29 TH JULY 2005 All are invited to participate in the workshop