cardselect.asp?from... Kingdom FUNGI Why was the mushroom so popular at parties? Because he was a Fun Guy!!
Fascinating Fungi Facts Fungi are all heterotrophs that feed by absorption. Their cells (hyphae) secrete digestive enzymes onto their food source which is then digested into smaller molecules which the fungal cells absorb by diffusion.
Fascinating Fungi Facts Most fungi reproduce by spores. A typical mushroom may produce billions of spores on the gills under the mushroom cap. Fungi must produce mass quantities of spores to be sure that some will be carried to suitable habitat for germination and growth into new fungi.
Some Vocabulary Hyphae – fungal cells Mycelium – threads of hyphae Saprobe – fungus that derives its nutrition from dead organisms Symbiosis – relationship between living organisms Mutualism – symbiosis when both benefit
Mutualistic Symbiosis Lichen - algae or cyanobacteria and fungi living in harmony as a single organism Mycorrhizae – roots of plants and fungi – the plant provides sugar from photosynthesis and the fungus provides water and minerals
Fascinating Fungi Facts Formidable Fungus is World's Largest Organism Mega mushroom expands in Oregon forest What is probably the largest living organism on earth has been discovered in the Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon. A fungus living three feet underground is estimated to cover 2,200 acres. After testing samples from various locations, scientists say it is all one organism. One Thousand Football Fields Officially known as Armillaria ostoyae, or the honey mushroom, the fungus is 3.5 miles across and takes up 1,665 football fields. The small mushrooms visible above ground are only the tip of the iceberg. Experts estimate that the giant mushroom is at least 2,400 years old, but could be 7,200 years old. Previously, the world's largest organism was another Armillaria ostoyae, which covers a mere 1,500 acres near Mt. Adams in Washington state. A Web of Tentacles Scientists became interested in that section of forest when trees began to die. The honey mushroom uses tentacles, called rhizomorphs, to take water and nutrients from roots, killing trees. The process benefits the ecosystem by creating clearings where new plants grow. Animals, such as woodpeckers, live in the dead tree trunks. Mushrooms also recycle nutrients A Humungous Fungus Among Us ! Check Out This Giant Mushroom!
flora/mush-myths1.htm fairyfigure1.htm Fascinating Fungi Facts Fairy Rings are NOT where fairies sit and have fairy meetings. They are rings of mushrooms that develop from the tips of underground fungi mycelia as the mycelia grows outwards in all directions. Underground mycelium Aboveground mushrooms Fairy Rings
Pros and Cons of Fungi Cons –Crop disease –Parasitic to plants and insects –Pathogenic to humans- fungal infections, can lead to death Pros –Antibiotics –Vitamins –Industrially important chemicals –Soil renewal –Decomposition –Fermentation Alcoholic beverages, bread, cheese, vinegar