Rewards and Consequences Mrs. Westgard August 2011
Third Grade Rewards Compliments Praise Stamps Stickers Trace’s Treats Tickets Prizes Certificates Extra Privileges
Rewards Compliments Compliments are an expression of good wishes.
Rewards Praise Praise is an expression of approval.
Rewards Stamps Stamps are given in the Home Learning Planner for excellent daily behavior. and Stamps are given for other special accomplishments.
Rewards Stickers Stickers are given in the Wednesday Folder for excellent weekly behavior. and Stickers are given for other special accomplishments.
Rewards Trace’s Treats Trace’s Treat are given daily for excellent behaviors. and Trace’s Treats are given for other special accomplishments. Collect ten. Select a reward.
Rewards Tickets Tickets are given daily for doing Home Learning and coming to class prepared. and Tickets are given for other special accomplishments.
Rewards Prizes Prizes can be purchased from the Ticket Store with tickets. and Prizes are given by the teacher for other special accomplishments.
Rewards Certificates Certificates are given each grading period for Excellent Conduct. and Certificates are given for other special accomplishments.
Rewards Extra Privileges Extra Privileges are earned for Excellent Conduct during a grading period. and Extra Privileges are earned for other very special accomplishments.
Third Grade Consequences Warnings Conduct Meter Conduct Book Note to Parents Call to Parents Office Visit
Consequences Warnings Warnings may be verbal. and Warnings may be nonverbal such as hand motions or teacher eyebrows.
Consequences Conduct Meter You will move your clip into the next section of the Conduct Meter.
Consequences Conduct Book You or your teacher will sign the Conduct Book in your section. and Your teacher will mark your Wednesday Folder sheet in the appropriate area.
Consequences Note to Parents Your teacher will write a note to your parents in your Home Learning Planner. or Your teacher will send an to your parents.
Consequences Call to Parents You will call your parents to explain the problem. or Your teacher will call your parents to discuss the problem.
Consequences Office Visit You will meet with a principal to discuss the problem.
Other Consequences You may lose some privileges. You may be required write a behavior essay. You may have a time out in another classroom. Your parents may be required to attend a conference with your teachers.