The Importance of Insecticide Resistance Monitoring to Maintain IRS Program Effectiveness PMI Experiences in Northern Ghana CDC Resident Advisor for President’s Malaria Initiative, Ghana Annual Conference of the American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene October 26, 2015 Philip Ricks, PhD
Insecticide Resistance (IR) Monitoring in President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) IRS Districts, Northern Ghana Outline Background on Ghana and malaria History of PMI IRS in Northern Ghana IR Monitoring in original and new districts o Methods, insecticide selection/changes, and impact of changes Challenges and lessons learned
IRS program effectiveness depends on: Initial selection of an effective insecticide prior to IRS in naïve areas Early IR detection Developing an appropriate IR management strategy Why is IR Monitoring Important?
Malaria Prevalence (microscopy) Among Children <5 Years Ghana by Region, 2014 ~25 million pop 10 Regions ~240,000 km 2 An. gambiae s.I. National parasitemia prevalence: 28% * Ashanti 17% Northern 40% Western 39% Central 38% Upper West 38% Upper East 12% Brong Ahafo 27% Eastern 29% Volta 25% Greater Accra 11% * Demographic Health Survey, 2014 Ghana Statistical Services
The Northern Region Savannah climate/semi-arid, Sahel One rainy season, May/June-Sep/Oct One peak malaria transmission season, 3-4 months, Aug-Nov Main malaria vector: An. gambiae s.l. Savannah climate/semi-arid, Sahel One rainy season, May/June-Sep/Oct One peak malaria transmission season, 3-4 months, Aug-Nov Main malaria vector: An. gambiae s.l. 30% of Ghana’s land area but only 10% of national pop. Chosen for PMI-supported IRS Focus region for Government of Ghana Lower socio-economic development High malaria rate (>40%) 30% of Ghana’s land area but only 10% of national pop. Chosen for PMI-supported IRS Focus region for Government of Ghana Lower socio-economic development High malaria rate (>40%)
PMI-supported IRS in Ghana Geography and Population Coverage 5 Northern Region districts selected for initial IRS, 2008 9 districts covered by 2012, last one added in 2011 Average coverage rate of targeted structures ( ): 91% o Annual range: 83% - 97% Avg. annual population protected by IRS ( ): 710,778 people o Annual range: 534, ,240
PMI IRS in Northern Region 7
Entomological surveillance sites, 4 districts 2 original IRS districts 1 control district 1 new IRS district Entomological monitoring Vector behavior Malaria transmission Insecticide resistance o WHO tube assay o Molecular analyses PMI-supported IRS in Ghana Entomological Monitoring
PMI-supported IRS in Ghana Insecticide Selection & Transition Pyrethroid-based insecticide (alphacypermethrin) used exclusively Transition to long-lasting organophosphates (OP), pirimiphos-methyl, began in 2012/13 due to IR Number of sprayed districts reduced from 9 to 5, due to cost OP used in all 5 PMI-supported NR districts by 2013
An. gambiae s.l. Susceptibility to WHO-recommended Insecticides Original PMI IRS Districts, 2009 – 2011 * Group of InsecticideType of insecticide 2009 Mean Mortality (%) 24hr 2010 Mean Mortality (%) 24hr 2011 Mean Mortality (%) 24hr Organophosphate Fenitrothion (1%) Malathion (5%) Carbamate Propoxur (0.1%) Bendiocarb (0.1%) Pyrethroid Alphacypermethrin (0.4%) Deltamethrin (0.05%) Lambda- cyhalothrin (0.05%) * Excludes Bunkprugu-Yunyoo 10
An. gambiae s.l. Susceptibility to WHO-recommended Insecticides Original PMI IRS Districts,
Limitations of 2008 Insecticide Selection Large amount of data from Obuasi (>600 km south) Different climate Bi-modal transmission season IRS and other vector control measures since 2004 Gaps in IR mapping, sparse data from Northern Region High agricultural insecticide use in Ghana
Community Parasitemia Surveys in Bunkpurugu Yunyoo District (BYD) An IRS Impact Assessment
An. gambiae s.l. Susceptibility to WHO-recommended Insecticides BYD, Group of InsecticideType of insecticide 2011 Mean Mortality (%) 24hr 2012 Mean Mortality (%) 24hr 2013 Mean Mortality (%) 24hr Organophosphate Fenitrothion (1%) Pirimiphos-methyl100.0 Carbamate Propoxur (0.1%)-95.0 Bendiocarb (0.1%) Pyrethroid Alphacypermethrin (0.4%) Deltamethrin (0.05% Lambda- cyhalothrin (0.05%)95.0
Cross-sectional community survey among children under 5 Years to measure prevalence of parasitemia, pre and Post IRS Finger stick Fever Questionnaire administered to caregiver BYD Community Parasitemia Survey: Methods
BYD Community Parasitemia Survey Timeline 2010 Baseline Survey 2010 Ento Monitoring 2011 IRS started Follow-up Surveys
BYD Community Parasitemia Surveys Enthusiastic Participation?
Prevalence of Children <5 Years with Parasitemia in BYD,
Susceptibility Status of Local An. gambiae s.l. against WHO-recommended Insecticides in PMI IRS Districts, 2014
Challenges (1) Implications of insecticide changes Cost Geographic coverage epidemiological, socio-economic, political impacts Limitations of IR monitoring Time/geographic coverage Insecticides monitored: past and present Yearly variations
Challenges (2) Other variables Case management and malaria in pregnancy Bed net coverage and insecticide used in bed nets
Summary of IRS in Northern Region IR monitoring crucial to maintain effectiveness of IRS Limited data for initial insecticide selection (2008) Informed decision to switch insecticides (2012) Complemented knowledge from community parasitemia prevalence surveys ( )
Lessons Learned (1) IR monitoring needs to encompass: Appropriate time frames, including pre-IRS Appropriate geographic coverage Information on current and past agricultural insecticide use Testing of proposed and potential insecticides/insecticide classes
Lessons Learned (2) IR monitoring needs to be a central part of national vector control program Capacity-building for NMCP IR data need to be properly weighed against other factors
Acknowledgments Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research Ghana National Malaria Control Program Abt/AIRS Participants in AP monitoring and their families AP Survey Interviewers & Lab technicians Community Volunteers District Health Directorates Regional Health Directorate for Northern Ghana Peace Corps Volunteers Ghana Field Epidemiology and Lab Training Program students
Thank You Philip Ricks, PhD (
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Using Data for Decision-making (1) When to Change IRS Target Area/District IRS discontinued in Savelugu Nanton District due to low structure coverage
Using Data for Decision-making (2) When to Change IRS Target Area/District 2014 IRS discontinued in SND, coverage and resistance IR monitoring showed 100% susceptibility to OPs in Kumbungu 2015 IRS re-started in Kumbungu District
Distribution of Ace-1 Resistance Allele among An coluzzi,
Bunkprugu Yunyoo District (BYD) AP Monitoring Results 31
Change in Infective Bites/Person/Night (EIR) Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo District,
Control district: No IRS, Change in Infective Bites/Person/Night (EIR), (1)
Insecticide changed from PYR to OP Change in Infective Bites/Person/Night (EIR), (2)
Pyrethroid-based IRS IRS withdrawn from Tolon- Kumbungu District Change in Infective Bites/Person/Night (EIR), (3)
DistrictStart IRSStopChange to OP West Mamprusi Savelugu Nanton2008post Karaga2008post-2012Stopped Gushiegu2008post-2012Stopped Tolon-Kumbugu2008post-2012 Stopped\ Restarted in Kumbungu 2105 East Mamprusi Saboba2010post-2012Stopped Chereponi2010post-2012Stopped Bunkprugu-Yunyoo History of IRS in Northern Region, Ghana present
Prevalence of Parasitemia among Children < 5 Years and EIR (infective bites/person/year), BYD ( )
Distribution of Entomological Inoculation Rate (EIR) in IRS and non-IRS areas,
EIR Prevalence Association Between EIR and Malaria Prevalence
2013 Susceptibility Status of Local An. gambiae s.l. against WHO-recommended Insecticides for IRS, by District
Evolution of PMI IRS in Ghana’s Northern Region Year Number of Districts SprayedInsecticide Used Coverage Rate of Targeted Structures Total Population Protected 20085Pyrethroids> 85%601, Pyrethroids94%708, Pyrethroids97%849, *Pyrethroids92%926, Pyrethroids 2 Organophosphates 1 Both insecticides93%941, Organophosphate91%534, Organophosphates83%570, Organophosphates92%553,954 * Last/Newest district added in 2011, Bunkprugu-Yunyoo
Susceptibility Status of Local An. gambiae s.l. against WHO-recommended Insecticides for IRS, Northern Region, February 2008 Group of insecticideType of insecticideMean # tested Mean KD (%) 60min Mean Mortality (%) 24hr Corrected Mortality (%) OrganophosphateMalathion OrganochlorineDDT CarbamatePropoxur PyrethroidDeltamethrin Permethrin (0.75%) Cyfluthrin Lambdacyhalothrin Deltamethrin Permethrin (0.05%)
Susceptibility Status of Local An. gambiae s.l. against WHO-recommended Insecticides for IRS, Northern Region, 2010 Groupof InsecticideType of insecticide Mean # tested Mean KD (%) 60min Mean Mortality (%) 24hr Corrected Mortality (%) OrganophosphateFenitrothione (1%) Malathion (5%) OrganochlorineDieldrin (4%) DDT (4%) CarbamatePropoxur (0.1%) Bendiocarb (0.1%) PyrethroidAlphacypermethrin (0.4%) Deltamethrin (0.05% Lambda- cyhalothrin (0.05%) % 88.8
Susceptibility Status of Local An. gambiae s.l. against WHO-recommended Insecticides for IRS, Northern Region, 2009 Groupof InsecticideType of insecticide Mean # tested Mean KD (%) 60min Mean Mortality (%) 24hr Corrected Mortality (%) OrganophosphateFenitrothione (1%) Malathion (5%) OrganochlorineDieldrin (4%) DDT (4%) CarbamatePropoxur (0.1%) Bendiocarb (0.1%) PyrethroidAlphacypermethrin (0.4%) Deltamethrin (0.05% Lambda- cyhalothrin (0.05%)
Monthly Trends in Cone Bio Assay Mortalities in IRS Districts, August 2009 – April 2010
Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo (IRS) 2010 (Pre-IRS) 2011 (Pyrethroid) 2012 (Pyrethroid) 2013 (Organo-phosphate, OP) 2014 (Organo-phosphate, OP) 1 Annual Entomological Inoculation Rate (EIR) Mosquito Parity74.5%64.7%43.1%28.2%24.3% 3 Mosquito indoor resting densityN/A Savelugu-Nanton (IRS) 2010 (Pyrethroid) 2011 (Pyrethroid) 2012 (OP) 2013 (OP) 2014 (OP) Annual EIR Mosquito ParityN/A44.8%37.4%27.5%28.1% Mosquito indoor resting densityN/A Tolon-Kumbungu (Partial IRS) 2010 (Pyrethroid) 2011 (Pyrethroid) 2012 (Pyrethroid) 2013 (No IRS) 2014 (No IRS) Annual EIR Mosquito ParityN/A53.3%46.6%50.4%68.5% Mosquito indoor resting density Tamale (Non-IRS) 2010 (No IRS) 2011 (No IRS) 2012 (No IRS) 2013 (No IRS) 2014 (No IRS) Annual EIR Mosquito ParityN/A68.6%65.8%64.3%72.3% Mosquito indoor resting density Mosquito Annual Entomological Inoculation Rate (EIR): no. infective bites/person/year 2 Mosquito Parity: % of mosquitoes that had laid eggs 3 Mosquito indoor resting density: no. mosquitoes/person/room/night Selected Entomological Variables, IRS and non-IRS Districts,
PMI Entomological Monitoring Sites, 2015 Original IRS Districts Kumbungu (2 sites), withdrawn 2012 and restarted 2015 Savelugu Nanton (3 sites), withdrawn 2014 Tolon District (2 sites), withdrawn 2012 New IRS District Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo (4 sites), started 2011 Control District (Never sprayed) Tamale (3 sites)
West Africa Climate