A. Kinetic Energy (KE) 1. Energy in the form of motion. 2. Energy Depends On: a. Mass of the object. b. Velocity of the object.
B. Potential Energy (PE) 1. Energy that is stored or has the potential to cause change. ex. Flower pot on a ledge. 2. Depends on the position of the object. ex. The higher the flower pot the greater the PE.
“The Roller Coaster”
“The Pendulum”
C. Mechanical Energy (ME) 1. Total Amount of Energy in the System. 2. P E + K E = M E
D. Law of Conservation of Energy - in any given situation, energy may change form, but it cannot be created or destroyed.
Why does the swing not swing forever? -Some energy lost due to friction, air resistance. -Some changes to thermal energy (HEAT).
E. Thermal Energy -(not the same as temp.) 1. Temperature- measure of average kinetic energy in a sample. 2. Thermal Energy- total energy (KE + PE) of the particles in a material. (more mass = more moving particles = = more Thermal Energy)
F. Heat 1. Thermal Energy flowing through something from high temperature to low temperature. 2. Also measured in Joules
G. Specific Heat- 1. Amount of Energy it takes to raise the temp. of 1 kg of material 1 K. 2. Measured in Joules/Kg
H. Thermal Energy Formula Change in TE = m x ∆ Temp. x Specific Heat(C) (T f – T i )