Introduction to Three Phase Relative Permeability Effective and Relative Permeabilities 1 Introduction to Three Phase Relative Permeability
Ternary Diagrams Because So+Sw+Sg=1, we can use a ternary diagram to represent three phase saturations, and plot values of relative permeability as the independent variable. Two of the three saturations are independent We can plot in 2-D space using two independent (not same direction) coordinates
Ternary Diagrams Plot Point for: Sw=0.30 So=0.25 Sg=0.45 0.00 Sg 1.00
Three Phase Relative Permeability Saturation plotted on ternary diagram Lines show constant krw parallel to water saturation lines krw is function only of water saturation for water wet, water is in smallest pores
Three Phase Relative Permeability Saturation plotted on ternary diagram Lines show constant krg approximately parallel to gas saturation lines krg is primarily a function of gas saturation gas is in largest pores
Three Phase Relative Permeability Saturation plotted on ternary diagram Lines show constant kro not parallel to any saturation lines kro is function of both water and gas saturation pore size distribution water: smallest gas: largest oil: intermediate size pores
Three Phase Relative Permeability Lines show constant kro not parallel to any saturation lines At low gas saturation, kro is a primarily function of oil saturation At low water saturation, kro is primarily a function of gas saturation
Three Phase Relative Permeability Three phase flow occurs over a limited range of three phase saturations outside this range, two phase or single phase flow occurs
Application of Three Phase Relative Permeability Three phase relative permeability data is needed whenever we wish to consider reservoir flow with all three phases present Three phase lab data is expensive and time consuming Two phase data is much more common Many methods have been developed to calculate three phase relative permeability from two phase curves (water/oil curve and oil/gas curve)
Modeling of Three Phase Relative Permeability Stones Method II An accepted industry standard krg obtained from gas/oil two phase curve as function of Sg krw obtained from oil/water two phase curve as function of Sw kro for three phase flow obtained from both two phase curves as function of Sg and Sw krow, kro from oil/water krwo, krw from oil/water krog, kro from gas/oil krgo, krg from gas/oil