Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 Welcome Trent Mesa Wind Project Note: This presentation is set to run automatically. The show should change on its own. If you are viewing this on the web, use the “back” button to exit.
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 How Grid Pools Work There are three power grids or pools in U.S. Power Pools supplied by various sources... … sources can come and go. Sources change but users enjoy constant supply.
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 U.S. Power Grids Three U.S. A/C Power Pools or Grids ERCOT Eastern Western Source: NERC
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 Wind’s Place Important part of mix Free fuel Clean Mature technology Cost competitive Predictable at proven sites Low risk at proven sites Fastest growing new source
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 Declining Cost of Wind $’s Per MWH Source: AWEA
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 U.S. Wind Resources Local conditions can vary. Source: AWEA
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 Wind Energy Potential In Billions of KWH Source: AWEA
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 Trent Mesa Wind Project AEP builds, owns and operates $160M investment TXU buys power 100 turbines 1.5 MW Enron wind turbines 35,000 homes West Texas near Sweetwater
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 Wind Turbine Units Nacelle 56 tons Tower 3 sections Workers Blade 112’ long
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 Tower and Blade 328’ base to blade Each blade 112’ tons total Foundation 15’ deep Tower in three sections
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 GE Wind 1.5 GE Wind 1.5 Output equals three locomotives Electronically controlled Self-contained Onboard weather station Operates 8-56 MPH wind Variable speed Rated at 1,500 kilowatts One can supply at least 350 homes
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 Nacelle Nacelle (nuh-cell) Houses generator and gearbox Resembles large travel trailer Weighs 56 tons
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 Inside Nacelle Source: Enron Wind
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 More Information AEP.COM TXU.COM GEWIND.COM GEWIND.COM TRENTMESA.COM TRENTMESA.COM Trent Mesa Project AWEA.COM American Wind Energy Association
Trent Mesa ProjectJune 2002 Thank You! “Wind has arrived” Department of Energy