lesson Qualities of salesmanship
THE SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A SALES MANAGER CAN BE SUMMARIZED AS: Determining sales force objectives and goals Finalizing sales force organization, size, territory, and quota Forecasting and budgeting sales. Selecting,recruiting and training the sales force. Motivating and leading the sales force. Designing compensation plan & control systems. Designing career growth plans and building relationship strategies with key customers.
SELLING SKILLS The essential skills for successful selling are communication skills, listening skills, conflict management and resolution skills, negotiation skills, and problem-solving skills.
Selling and buying styles 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (1,9) People Oriented I am customer’s friend, I want to understand him and respond to his feelings and interests so that he will like me. It is the personal bond that leads him to purchase from me. (9,9) Problem Solving Oriented I consult with the customer so as to inform myself of all the needs in his situation that my products can satisfy. We work towards a sound purchase decision on his part, which yield him the benefits he expects from it. Concern for the customers (5,5) Sales technique Oriented I have tried an effective routine for getting a customer to buy. It motivates through a blended personality and product emphasis (9,1) Push the product Oriented I take challenge of the customer and hard sell him, polling on all the pressure it takes to make him buy (1,1) Take it or Leave it I place the product before the customer and it sells itself as and when it comes.
SELLING SKILLS Communications Problem- Skills solving skills Selling Listening Skills Negotiation skills Conflict management and resolution skills
Research has found out that trust between a buyer and a seller largely depends on five elements in the salesperson’s behaviour Truth of words communicated by the salesperson Predictability of action Competency (ability /knowledge/resources) Intent or empathy(placing the customer’s interest on par with the seller’s interest, a commitment to solving the customer’s problem, and responsive to the customer’s cause). Likeability (It is an emotional issue and difficult to clearly define, but can be understood as a perception of commonality by both the parties.)
Salesperson’s knowledge universe Product Knowledge Feature Benefits Styles Origin Price Company Knowledge History Finances Management Size Policies and Procedures Competitor’s Knowledge Industry structure Market share Market behaviour Other policies
A Salesperson’s Product Information Checklist product do to the customer? How can it be used? Are there any other ways in which the product can be used ? What is the price? Is it cheaper then the competitor;s price? Is it more expensive? If so, what is the relevance of such prices, being what they are? Is after-sales service readily available? Is there any recognition by an outside agency like the govt? Are there quality certifications for the org. and its processes? What led to the development and launch of the product by the company? What is the product made of? How is the product made? What processes are followed? What is so special about the product itself so that it stands out or has a potential to standout in the market? What are its features and style? How unique are they? What the use of the product? What will the
summary Salesman whether they are into direct selling or indirect selling should possess certain qualities which would make them a successful salesman. All these qualities are discussed in these slides .
lesson Inventory management
Inventory management system is mainly applicable to consumer durable products and to a larger extent in FMCG products.
Consumer durable and FMCG products mainly require facilties for warehouse and godowns at three stages mainly:- A) at production plants B) at sales godowns C) at middlemen godowns After this they are sold by middlemen to end consumers in open markets.
Inventory management adds place utility to products Inventory management adds time utility to products. Efficient inventory management systems should be backed by efficient supply chain management. Use of transport be it road , rail or by air is the backbone of its success. Efficient inventory management leads to increase in demand for products.
Methods of inventory management Some of the commonly used inventory management methods are :- EOQ Method ABC Analysis JIT
Sales person should have good and continuous contact with godown persons as they should be regularly updated on daily stock reports in order to book the orders from their channels of distribution. Daily inventory management or stock report product wise should reach their desk every morning , so that they can plan their sales accordingly.
summary Its very important for any sales organization to have a support of highly efficient logistics management system in order to be successful in the market and make their availability of products timely in order to fight competition form taking over.