Chapter II Food and Dining Customs
I. Food and Drinks 1. American’s favorite food is steak. 2. There are many different kinds of cooking. 3. The U.S. has its regional specialties. 4. National food: ice cream and apple pie 5. Main course: meat, fish or poultry 6. Most popular drinks: coffee and tea 7. Sometimes “coffee break” is taken among the workers in the middle of the morning or afternoon.
Toasted Club Sandwiches Toasted Club Sandwiches Hamburger Hamburger Lunch Foods Lunch Foods
II. Restaurants and Bars Almost any kind of restaurant can be found in most large cities in America. Bars Bars Bars Snack bars and coffee shops (cheap) Snack bars and coffee shops (cheap) Snack bars and coffee shops Snack bars and coffee shops Self-service Cafeterias Self-service Cafeterias Self-service Cafeterias Self-service Cafeterias Drugstores with small restaurant Drugstores with small restaurant Diners on campus and outskirt towns Diners on campus and outskirt towns Drive-ins Drive-ins Drive-ins
A Cafe in East Village of New York A Cafe in East Village of New York Cafe in SoHo Cafe in SoHo
III. Dining Habits 1. Open time of the eating place A. Many restaurants close on Sunday. B. On the outskirts of a major city, it is difficult to find an eating place after 8:30 p.m.. C. Some places offer Sunday “brunch” about 11:30 or 12 o’clock. 2. Dining habits at home A. In people’s home, eating time varies. B. Most Americans do not season their food at any degree.
C. American food is generally mild tasting. D. Most Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly, but the evening meal is longer and a time for the family to gather together. 3. Food at restaurants A. Hot dogs and hamburgers are most popular American food. B. At a meal, sauces and vegetables can be added free of charge.
IV. Dining Customs 1. Before the dinner A. To be punctual is the principle of being a polite guest. B. Customs of introducing 2. During the dinner A. There is a great complexity in using the eating implements. B. The ways of eating different foods C. The customs of being away from the table and finishing the meal.
3. After the dinner A. The guests usually stay two or three hours, talking freely. B. Upon leaving the guests usually express their gratitude to the host in various ways.
The End
coffee shop
Bar: is the place where people gather to drink and enjoy themselves in United States. Botanic Bar in Houston Botanic Bar in Houston
Cafeteria: it is a kind of informal eating- place where a very quick and cheap meal can be found. You just walk a line selecting your meal as you go along. Such fast food places can be found everywhere and are usually open for long hours.
Drugstore: a small restaurant where you can get coffee, tea or other drinks and light meals. The eating place is open early in the morning and late at night, and usually convenient and inexpensive. Diner: it looks like railroad car. It is very convenient to truck drives, motorists and students by serving large portions of food, filling food at low prices. Drive-in: is surrounded by parking lots, located just off a busy road.
The Diner (a car), 85 Broadway