Introduction Zebras live in south eastern Africa Their scientific name is equus Zebra Main diet is grass, bark, leaves, buds, fruit and roots Life span is 28 years Zebras start breeding at three years of age
The Harem and Mating Rituals Definition of harem: when one male is in charge of a group of females Stallion (male zebra) will follow female zebra group and protect them Soon after that stallion will nibble at the female’s neck and shoulders and then he covers her urine with his urine
Method Of Fertilization A zebra’s method of fertilization is internal. The mare mounts the female zebra and the female carries the foal for twelve months.
Pregnancy A female zebra can give birth to one offspring at a time. Zebras are typically regarded as slow breeders.
Parental Care The female zebra will nurse the foal for twelve months. Right after birth the foal can stand, walk, and suckle. The mare will not let anything near the foal and female zebra.
Quick Facts In the act of defence a zebra will kick at a predator such as a hyena, cheetah, or lion. The Romans named the Grevy’s Zebra hippotigris because they were trained to pull two wheeled carts and act in the circus.